Any engineering kids had much luck finding sumer internships

<p>just wondering.</p>

<p>It’s kind of early. My kids always got theirs in the spring. </p>

<p>Many companies don’t even know what their summer internship budgets are yet. And, a number of companies can be very late with knowing how many kids they can hire.</p>

<p>And REUs don’t pick students til spring.</p>

<p>it is not early around here. we have been in contact with several major companies that hire a lot of interns and they are already FINISHED hiring for the summer!</p>

<p>you would think that spring would make sense, but that doesn’t seem to be the norm around here!</p>

<p>also, i didn’t mean for this summer, specifically. i really just meant in general, because i have heard of a lot of kids having co-ops but very few internships. just wanted to know if anyone here had any experience with engineering summer internship help from UA.</p>

<p>In my DH’s company, summer internships are offered in the spring if the budget allows.</p>

<p>where do you guys live babyfaces?</p>

<p>yeah, i was very surprised to hear that some companies already have all their summer hires lined up!</p>

<p>we will keep looking.</p>

<p>My company starts filling internship positions in the spring.</p>

<p>My S was fortunate to secure an internship at a software company last summer. He just got a call yesterday and they want him to work after school in another department, plus his boss from his previous dept wants him back next summer. It looks like he should be set through college if he wants to stay with this company.</p>

<p>Before he is even out of HS? Pretty impressive. My S just started his part time job at a local sub shop for the rest of senior year…:slight_smile: (and we were happy he got it!)</p>

<p>Any job experience the kids can get is great.</p>

<p>We live in a small town and the company has a hard time attracting good software engineers because of the area. I think that they are hoping that my S wants to continue with them after graduation.</p>

<p>BTW, I spoke with the company recruiter and he said that a UA degree is a positive - and we’re in the upper midwest.</p>

<p>From what I’ve learned speaking to recruiters, internships are huge, even more important evidently than where you graduate from.</p>

<p>That is great to hear that the rep of the school is spreading. </p>

<p>Agreed, those internships and opportunities are really important. I feel there will be many at UA for those kids who seek them out. UA is a gift to my son, I keep telling him once he accepts that gift then it is up to him to mazimize it…:)</p>

<p>Yes, being able to graduate debt free from a top university is an incredible blessing.</p>

<p>If all goes as planned, my son will be graduating in 4 years with a masters degree - under full tuition scholarship. Our biggest challenge may be finding him meaningful internships or research opportunities for the summer(s). I appreciate any advice or insight that you can offer in this regard.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>RTRmom - what is your students major?</p>

<p>^ Computer Science (he is a freshman.) Riprorin - any chance that software company is still looking for summer interns?</p>

<p>RTRmom - if your son wants to be able to see and apply for internships through the career center, he needs to have a resume and meet with them to look over it. so, better get busy on that resume.</p>

<p>the number for setting up an appointment is 205-348-4839.</p>

<p>Check out this site for STEM opportunities.</p>

<p>[STEM</a> Programs Search](<a href=“Search Fellowships, Scholarships, Paid Internships, and Research Opportunities:”>Search Fellowships, Scholarships, Paid Internships, and Research Opportunities:</p>

<p>Your student may find some internships it.</p>

<p>Don’t forget there are some one week REUs and internships offered during Spring Break. My nephew did one for Microsoft last Spring break.</p>

<p>Ooh…where do we find the one-week/spring break REU’s?</p>

<p>In my area, like Mike’s, the internships are full by November as well. </p>

<p>Mike gives good advice with contacting the career center. They will help you with your resume, and it’s a free service that your student should take advantage of.</p>

<p>montegut - did your son get his internship last summer thru the career center or on his own? are you under the impression that they don’t offer much help for finding internships for COE kids?</p>

<p>On Dr. Hartman’s website, he mentions that those interested in research should contact him.</p>

<p>[Hartman</a> Research Laboratory Main](<a href=“]Hartman”></p>

<p>New laboratory personnel: Interested undergraduates, graduate students, and postdocs are encouraged to email Dr. Hartman for further information on research opportunities in our laboratory.</p>

<p>Dr. Ryan L. Hartman
Assistant Professor
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Contact Information
Office: 3072b SERC
E-mail: Send an e-mail
Web site: Visit web site
Phone: (205) 348-1696
Fax: (205) 348-7558
Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of Michigan, 2006
M.S., Chemical Engineering, University of Michigan, 2003
B.S., Chemical Engineering, Michigan Technological University, 2001</p>