Any Fall 2009 postponed people get a final answer yet?

<p>I mailed my 7th semester grades first week of Feburary
I received my decision on March 15th
Undecided, leaning towards business
28/3.98 unwtd./3.65 wtd.
Still on the fence between Marquette (Milwaukee), and Madison</p>

<p>wow Z$Millionaire129 our stats are like identical....and we are thinking about the exact same schools.</p>

<p>im leaning towards UW because of costs though</p>

<p>I'm guessing they have made all their decisions already but just haven't updated stuff online and have sent out letters. I will let you know if I get my letter tomorrow. I should since mail takes a day to get here from Madison.</p>

<p>Talked to admissions a few minutes ago. They were still making decisions on Sunday, March 15th. Letters went out yeserday and more will be going out today. The website takes five days to update. So if you were one of the students they were considering on Sunday it may still be a few days before you know anything. So no news does not necessarily mean bad news. Good luck to all of you.</p>

<p>Those of you thinking of Marquette- don't. UW has a MUCH nicer campus and academics, plus all of the other details. You can still be an active Catholic in Madison, if that matters to you. If you do go to Milwaukee- someone who gets your place thanks you.</p>

<p>Thanks Jazzabella. Now I can stop checking the website every hour and giving the mailman evil looks. Hah. :D</p>

<p>good info Jazzabella, if they just mailed the letter today I may not get it for a while since it takes a few days for stuff to get to VA from Madison.</p>

<p>so living in chicago, i should find out tomorrow??</p>

<p>Rejection letter came today (my online status still shows postponed).</p>

<p>Date you mailed in mid-year grades: 2/12
Date you received your decision: 3/18
Were you accepted? No
College and major: Human Ecology, Retail Merchandising
ACT/SAT/GPA: 24/4.26 (3.9 UW)
College you will attend if turned down by UW-Madison: U-Minnesota - Twin Cities</p>

<p>Looking forward to attending Big 10 football games in U-Minn's brand new stadium (and beating the Badgers)! Go Gophers !!!</p>

<p>Good luck to all who are still waiting on Madison's decision - bye bye.</p>

<p>My sister applied months ago. She is in-state, has a high GPA and got a 26 on the ACT. She was also an active choir student, getting firsts at state every year and accepted into tons of Wisconsin signing programs. She hasn't even received a postponed/accepted/denied reply yet! She's really on edge.
I'm a current UW student and I also got postponed last year. I had a 3.7 GPA and a 26 on the ACT. I think I was only postponed because of no letters of recommendations. Oops!</p>

<p>I really hope they let my sister know soon, though! I didn't find out that I was in until MAY, like 2 days before I graduated and it was absolutely AWFUL.</p>

<p>Good luck to all of you!</p>

<p>Postponed date: 11/15
ACT: 30
SAT: 1940
GPA, UW: 3.61, 3 AP classes current
Class rank: 82-84%
Denied admission: 3/18</p>

<p>wow asante. That is stunning that you got denied. Did you get a letter? I assume you are out of state because in state you definetly would have been admitted. Did you have many ec's and submit letters of rec? You sound very qualified to me. Sorry to hear it. I am sure you will get into other great schools and make a great choice.</p>

<p>funployee- did your status online disappear and then you got a letter? Or did the status online stay the same and then you got a letter?</p>

<p>My status dissapeared on 3/14. I found out online I was accepted on 3/16. I have yet to get my letter.</p>

<p>I got wait listed aka denied.
Received letter today 3/18. Online status still says postponed.
ACT: 27
GPA, UW: 3.61
current honors/ap classes: Spanish, AB Calculus, English Language/Literature
Denied admission: 3/18
Active in after school activities.
In state. </p>

<p>I guess I could've been accepted/denied, but I was pretty sure that I'd have a chance of getting in. Guess not.
Good luck to everybody else! :)</p>

<p>Has anyone gotten an acceptance letter in the last two days, whose online status has NOT changed ?</p>


<p>Daughter admitted through "Connections". Is considered a UW Madison Student with UW Madison ID card and everything that comes with it. But will take general education classes at another UW school and transfer to Madison her junior year. Basically they want her but don't have room for her. Anyone else offered Connections or have experience with this program? (She was also accepted at UM Twin Cities.)</p>

<p>UW-Madison</a> Connections Program</p>

<p>I don't think it looks good for those of us whose status online has not changed ... I think we will be getting a rejection letter in the mail. What are your stats rhcpka? I think the admits are all over the place. I guess it is like that every year...can't make any sense of it....</p>

<p>Is UW Twin Cities one of the Connections Program colleges? From what I can tell only certain colleges are part of the connections program-and not all of the UW 4 year colleges are. My son was also offered the Connections program but has not applied for admission to any on the list. He is already accepted to UW Platt but as far as I can tell it's not one of the choices.</p>

<p>No the Twin Cities is not on the list. We are driving to Stevens Point on saturday to check out the area. At least the first two years would be cheaper if my daughter chooses Connections over UMTC</p>