Any Foote Fellows out here?

<p>How is the program and does it makes a huge difference? Any thoughts welcome. Son would do Engineering.</p>

<p>D is a Foote Fellow, just finishing her freshman year. She is double majoring in Journalism and Sports Admin. She loves the freedom of taking only classes that she has an interest in with no gen ed requirements. She has really enjoyed the English classes she has taken and is considering triple majoring, just because she can. So, yes, in her case, it makes a huge difference, and is one of the things that has made the U a perfect fit for her.</p>

<p>Huge difference/benefit for son.</p>

<p>Taken many interesting classes of his choice.</p>

<p>Special Foote Fellow seminars.
Perks- Tickets to events on campus and some trips.</p>

<p>My son will come in with 8-9 AP courses, does this mean he can graduate in 3 years being a Foote Fellow?</p>

<p>Look at this link to determine how many credits those APs will translate to. </p>

<p>[AP</a> Credit Equivalencies | University of Miami](<a href=“]AP”></p>

<p>High scores will bring lots of UM credits. My daughter came in with 38 credits from Miami (she had 11 APs). She had more credits than an incoming sophomore would usually have (30 credits). </p>

<p>She could be graduating in three years but chose to triple major instead!</p>

<p>Just like SVMMom-
Son came in with 45 credits. Could have graduated after 2.5 years. Did study abroad sophomore year. Decided to stay all 4 years (with a push from us to do that). Double major and one minor. </p>

<p>(Engineering son at another school came in with 45 credits too though he will not graduate early and will have over 90 credits starting his sophomore year in the fall. He has so many required courses that he will not graduate early and may need an extra semester. Also taking 4 classes on line this summer to get general ed requirements out of the way.) Foote fellow will really help an engineering major!!</p>

<p>My D has been looking thru the courses on her myUM account and is confused about what she needs to choose as a Foote Fellow. She’ll be majoring in marine biology thru RSMAS and was under the impression that as a Foote, she’d be exempt from taking English, Language, Philosophy, etc - the general ed stuff. But it seems like those requirements are coming up in the drop down lists. She really wants to focus on the science courses. She hasn’t heard anything about an advisor either thru RSMAS or thru Foote. Should she call someone in Admissions, or in RSMAS ? Any advice is very welcome. Note: she’s also in the Honors program (but declined Prism).

The Foote Fellows program, established in honor of former University of Miami President, Edward T. Foote II, each year gives a highly selected group of incoming first-year undergraduate students an opportunity to explore a wide range of academic pursuits and interests across the curriculum. Foote Fellows, who are required to fulfill certain areas of study determined by their individual school or college, are exempted from completing University general education requirements. They also receive special academic advising and mentoring as well as the opportunity to participate in cultural, social, and educational events.

<p>My S is also a Foote Fellow and in the Honors program. We have the same questions as to what requirements he is exempt from. I did find out from an admissions officer a couple weeks ago that Foote Fellows should be contacted over the summer by their advisor to go over the classes the Registrar put in the tentative schedule. It appears that you fill out the course preference form and the Registrar will keep in mind if a student is in the honors program and a Foote Fellow. Any changes can be made prior to classes starting.</p>

<p>Doesn’t seem very efficient does it? Signing up for classes you know you’re probably not going to be taking… She sent an email to RSMAS seeking some guidance and we’ll probably reach out to her admissions contacts as well.</p>

<p>Advising is great at UM. </p>

<p>It is way too early in the process to determine what is “efficient” or not. You will receive information in the mail as to what AP classed you get credit for and the course number they are given as well as preliminary courses to pick for Fall. Note- preliminary!!!</p>

<p>The kids meet with their advisers during the orientation period (they are given a time slot) and go over their schedule and make changes then.</p>

<p>Your son/daughter will learn about FF seminar/classes as they are offered. </p>

<p>At this point, if you are planning on courses for the Fall term, do not include any gen ed. Honors courses come up as honors or can be made into honors at the professors agreement. Room in your schedule? Take what interests you. This is what being a FF is all about… giving you the opportunity to take classes that interest you in areas outside your field of study. Take advantage!!</p>

<p>ZincWhiskers: If your D finds out any pertinent info, please share it on this thread.</p>

<p>There’s nothing that you need to do at this point other than submit your course preference selections, following the directions as you complete it online. It is going to ask you to select from some general areas of study. We’ll take care of placing you in the right classes over the summer (taking into account your Foote Fellow status and any AP/IB/dual enrollment credits you bring with you). When you arrive to UM for move in and Orientation, you will get your schedule then and have the opportunity to meet with an adviser to make any changes to your schedule you might want to make.</p>

<p>What do none of you have fb? This is from the fb group foote fellows 2015 from the lady who runs the program. So just chill</p>