Any good online study aids for Campbell Biology for the AP course?

<p>My class uses that textbook - my teacher's tests are pulled directly from the material in it, and it's just killing me. It's so longwinded sometimes that I can't stay awake, even on the rare occasion that I'm not sleep deprived. I've found online resources for every other class I have, but not this one. I don't want to shell out money for a book, but I'm open to suggestions from that angle, too.</p>

<p> is what I use for this course, my teacher has also mentioned "the biology place" can try googling that, im not sure of the web address.</p>

<p>hope that helps a little?</p>

<p>If you're using the seventh edition, there should be a CD in the back that you can use to access online resources (practice questions, e-book, etc). Actually, I think you can get to the website without using the CD, but you need your teacher to set up an account for students.</p>

<p>Right, I have the online thing, but that doesn't help; it's just the textbook in webpage form.</p>

<p>Oh, well, guess there just aren't any. On the upside, that means I'm not merely inept at finding those kinds of pages...</p>

<p>I understand what you're going through...Campbells Biology is a pain in the a** to read. In order to do well on the tests (they're usually all questions from a database Campbell's provides to teachers) you need to read very carefully. I would recommend buying the student manual (used on Amazon). I know you wanted an online option but the manual will help you greatly. It gives a great summary of the chapter and also gives quizzes.</p>

<p>My teacher uses old AP questions for all of our tests. She takes time to select questions that pertain to what is taught in the book though. I like Campbell's Biology book. The illustrations are great. Perhaps I am just interested in biology. You might also want to ask your teacher for the chapter review guides. There is one for each chapter that provides a summary and review questions at the end.</p>

<p>Do you do the test your knowledges? They're difficult, but once I read and understand the parts that the questions ask about, I can understand everything.</p>

<p>Do you have the AP version or the other version? (I have both, but greatly prefer the AP version) Perhaps you could see about somehow getting a used AP version. It definetely helps, and it's the exact same material.</p>

<p>I have the college version.</p>

<p>dude, i haven't opened the textbook at all this year.</p>

<p>i use the website religiously (you can also access it from the cd). yes, there is a web-format of the book, but if you go on the tool menu there are also practice quizzes and flashcards, and even animations. if you don't know what i'm talking about, pm me and i'll send you the site with my username/password.</p>

<p>i don't know what's the difference btw the ap version and the college version but i don't really care either because i don't read that book. i listen in class, do the practice quizzes, review the flashcards, and look at the animations before the tests. we get our questions from the real ap exams too and i do fine. </p>

<p>hope that helped.</p>

<p>i tried sending you a private message but it didnt work…could you email me the info? i would greatly appreciate it! i’ve been having the exact same problems…trying to find something online to help me study and understand the material better. it would be really awesome if you could help out!</p>

<p>I don’t take AP Biology, but you should use Course Notes. They have detailed outlines for textbooks that are usually used in AP courses. The outlines make textbooks a lot easier to read. I use the outlines from this website religiously for my AP Government class because like on your tests, the questions on my teacher’s quizzes and tests are pulled directly from my textbook. </p>

<p>Here are the Campbell Biology textbook outlines:
[AP</a> Biology Outlines | Course-Notes.Org - Outlines, Notes, Vocabulary, Essays, DBQs, Practice Quizzes and much more!](<a href=“]AP”>Outlines | CourseNotes)</p>

<p>Use the flashcards on the CD to memorize terms. That should help a lot, even if it only gives you an outline of what you need to know.</p>

<p>Its just me but, for AP Bio, I bought my own book but it was a teacher’s edition on EBay and it came with a CD and everything.</p>

<p>Helped me out a lot.</p>

<p>I have a friend who uses Course Notes. She says it helps her to understand the chapters.</p>

<p>I have the student study guide for this book, and personally I don’t think it helped me much. The summaries it gives are very brief, but it does have a bunch of practice MC questions and diagrams.</p>

<p>I took AP Bio last year, and we used 5th Edition Campbells.
My teacher’s tests were notoriously difficult, but in order to succeed, this is what you need to do:</p>


<p>I just read each chapter the night before 2-3 times until I memorized it. If I saw a question on the test, I could tell you exactly where in the chapter that came from. Thats how you ace AP Bio. </p>

<p>This works well, until they start combining chapters. I started recieving A-'s on some tests, but it doesn’t matter since your grade is already solid from the other tests.</p>

<p>Reading 40 page chapters multiple times takes commitment. I usually only found it necessary to read the chapter once, though I only ever read ~5/55 chapters.</p>

<p>[Campbell</a> AP Biology Lectures](<a href=“]Campbell”></p>

<p>This website is amazing! I use it b/c it covers all the main topics we need in the book and cuts out all the nonsense material.</p>

<p>do you mind letting me use your username and password. i currently in need of help in order to understand this material. thank you so much.</p>

<p>i have been reading on this I have my final coming up in next week and im trying to find a website to help me study through quizes and such. what website is it that you are going to for the flashcards and quizes?? It would be such a help thanks!</p>