Any guys wanna trade dorms?

<p>I currently have a Tercero Double, and I’d be willing to trade with anyone in Segundo who wants to get out of Segundo or wants to get out of their Segundo triple.</p>

<p>Leave me a PM or reply to this thread.</p>


<p>are you currently there alone? me and my friend both have a single dorm in tercero ( Leach Hall and Building F) Where is your double located which hall? Maybe I can find someone who would trade you.</p>

<p>Hey, thanks for the reply.</p>

<p>I’m in Thille Hall B which is a co-ed, semi-private bathroom hall, the building where Intergrated Studies used to be held or something like that. </p>


<p>Oh because Im in Tercero F Bldh and My friend is in Leach and we really want to get into a double room, we can’t afford a single.</p>

<p>So, i have a question if we switch, do we get refunded the amount we paid? Like I am in a single, if I was to switch to a double or a triple, would I get refunded the difference? I have no plans to switch, but I am just wondering.</p>


<p>Hellajive are you only interested in a room at Segundo? I want to be in a double room so bad.</p>