<p>Please respond to my post. It is important to me and I can't find anything on the web.</p>
<p>What do you need help with?</p>
<p>I am wondering if Hamilton is the school that will try to cook your moms favorite recipe and also has snack time. I am completing my application and I saw many schools and am a little confused.</p>
<p>my boyfriend who is at Hamilton confirmed that if you give them a recipe they will consider making it…I wasn’t really sure how to ask about the snack thing, most schools, Hamilton included, have a diner which is open all the time so you could grab a snack whenever you wanted</p>
<p>Thanks for your help</p>
<p>there is a diner which is open until 5am thursdays, fridays, and saturdays, and then midnight i think every other day of the week. its kind of amazing.
snack time is right after lunch, and delicious. today it was frost your own cookie.</p>
<p>Oh man, “frost your own cookie” snack is the best! I miss piling gobs of frosting on a giant chocolate cookie before my afternoon class. I also remember them doing Banana’s Foster during snack time too. Do they still do that?</p>
<p>As for submitting recipes, I’m not sure. I never did, but they have comment board where you can post requests and comments. That’s one of the ways they added the sushi bar. It had been only a once a week snack time thing. But students suggested that it be added to the dinner options and they did.</p>
<p>Oh man, they had Bananas Foster just the other night! Delicious. Snack time might just be one of my top-three favorite things about Hamilton. The dining halls basically never close, and you can go in as much as you want. I actually really like to study/do work in the dining halls during snack time: few people, quiet, and food and drink readily available. Snack time is basically just an extended lunch, although they do set up a special table with something unique (frost your own cookie, Italian antipasti, various chips and dips, etc.).</p>
<p>And yes, the meal service (Bon Appetit) is very responsive to student requests. They take their comment board very seriously, and almost every recommendation is usually fulfilled.</p>