How much of a shot do I have for merit awards for 15k+ annually at these schools? I’m especially interested in scholarships at CMC, BC, and Rice.
Claremont McKenna, Vanderbilt, Rice, Duke, Brandeis, UMich, Tulane, Smith, Boston College
Gender: Female
State: Illinois
Major: Economics (Mathematical economics at schools that have it)
School Type: Large, competitive public
Race/ethnicity: White
Income bracket: ~250k
SAT I (breakdown): 1530 (m: 800 r+w:730) (will retake for 1560+)
SAT II: biology e: 770 math II: 760 (I knowww)
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.0
Weighted GPA: 4.72 now, will be 4.84 by midyear reports
Rank: Top 5%
AP (place score in parenthesis):
5s: APUSH, English Language, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Calc BC,
4: French
Also taking at local university: Intermediate finance, intro to geopolitics, multivariate calculus
Senior Year Course Load: AP Comp Sci, AP Lit, AP Euro, AP Bio, AP Gov, Modern Middle Eastern History A, History of Film
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Nothing major
Minor Awards:
-Rensselaer Medal: Prestigious STEM award
-Some local and national essay contests, literary journal publication, won $$
-School awards in math and English
-Cum Laude Society
-12 Science Olympiad medals, a couple of of Math Team awards
-Voted MVP in Sci Oly
-Probably national merit (PSAT: 1490)
-Youth organizing director for presidential campaign in my city (11-12) (15 hrs weekly)
-Internship with presidential campaign (11-12) (10 hrs weekly)
-Officer in science olympiad (9-12) (2 hrs weekly)
-Member of math team (9-12) (1 hr weekly)
-Hobby: novel reading (9-12) (7 hrs weekly)
-Co-president of political discourse club (11-12) (1 hr weekly)
-Political editor for youth magazine (12) (3 hrs weekly)
-Survivor volunteer+organizer (10-12) (12 hrs x 3)
-Officer of scholastic bowl (11-12) (2 hrs weekly)
-Co-founded pen pal initiative between students and senior citizens in the bi-state area with 100+ participants (11) (3 hrs weekly)
-Member of selective-admissions student economics club (11-12) (2 hrs monthly)
Summer Activities:
-Selective 6-week literature summer program, online this summer (11)
-Outward Boundish program (9,10)
-Language study program in France (10)