I will chance back!

<p>Asian-about 15k contribution (Yeah I'm poor)
GPA: 3.75 Unweighted
Most prestigious and competitive high school in my country
SAT1: Oct: 1890 - M:670 W:600 CR:620 (1st time) Will take another in Dec.
Essay: Good
Specialized English (that's my major) Advanced Literature, Advanced Math, Advanced Physics, Advanced Chemistry, Core-Biology, PE, Computer Science, Technology, Core-History, Core-Geography, Army Education.
Academic Awards: I have 4 municipal prizes.
- Sports and Leadership: President of 2 sports clubs | Rank 4th in city (4 years of playing)
- Part-time job: Volunteer English teacher (2 summers)
- Governing Body of a non-profit organization for disabled children, also in charge of logistics
- A lot of volunteer work & community services (yay)
- Logistics team of school annual prom.
- Design team of school annual play.
I've played the piano for 4 years.
Letter of Recommendations: Promising
- 1 from my counselor
- 3 from my teachers: Physics, Geography, Technology
- 1 from my supervisor
Colleges: BMC (ED1), Dickinson College, MHC (yes I have a thing for an all-female education), F&M, Trinity College, Skidmore College, K-college, Ithaca College, Sewanee, Bard College... (any suggestions are welcome!)
Thank you VERY MUCH!
I'll chance back!</p>

<p>It seems like you are an international student, correct? How much can you parents contribute? That’s the question.</p>

<p>Yes, I am. And $15000 is the maximum :(</p>

<p>I know Ithaca gives some institutional aid, but I dno’t know about other schools if they give any aid, merit or need based. Did you research? Also, did you take TOEFL? Was your School English-medium?
Even for Ithaca college, your scores should be top 10%, which your isn’t. I am not sure if other college will admit you with financial aid; your scores are in ranges but your needs will really hurt you.</p>

<p>I think you need to look at colleges that offer merit aid based on GPA and SAT score. You do qualify for some.</p>

<p>What’s your major?</p>

<p>I have. I certainly have to focus on colleges with generous fin-aids (and also write them a lot to gain more info to finalize my school list).</p>

<p>I didn’t take TOEFL since they accept IELTS in lieu of it.</p>

<p>Gender Studies or Education.</p>

<p>I don’t know about schools that give merit aid AND have good GS or Education major, but there are schools that offer merit based scholarship to int kids as well.
One of them is UAH, it gives 100% OOS tuition waiver to people who have 1330-1480 math+CR and GPA 3.5+
Another one is UA, it gives 2/3 of OOS tuition scholarship for 3.5+ and 1330~1390 Math+CR. Instead it has higher ranking.</p>

<p>look into this link
<a href=“Automatic Out-of-State Tuition Waivers - Financial Aid and Scholarships - College Confidential Forums”>http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/financial-aid-scholarships/1505285-automatic-out-of-state-tuition-waivers.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Wow thank you! Would you mind if I message you for advice and stuff like that?</p>

<p>Sure :-)</p>