Any IB People? :)

<p>There are so many AP-ers, but are any of you in the IB Program?</p>

<p>I am! I’m really really hoping it helps me get into some of my schools</p>

<p>Ahh same! Are you doing certificates? I’m doing the diploma, and so I hope my predicted scores will make up for my really low (1910!) SAT scores :S</p>

<p>Have you guys already gotten your predicted scores? </p>

<p>I’m SO close to being done with my extended essay ! :smiley: I HATED writing it haha what was yours on?</p>

<p>What exactly is IB?!
I have heard a little about it, but what does it do and how can it help you?</p>

<p>Its this 2 year long college prep program, and you have to take 6 IB classes, 3 higher level (college level) and 3 standard level and then you have a core too which included 150 community service hours, a 4000 word extended essay on any topic and then a theory of knowledge class… It really helps cause its super rigorous, and unis know that… Also it gives you that whole “well rounded thing” cause it requires that you take one class in each section…
Its also good for college cause the scores you get in the end (out of 45 (7 possible for each class and then 3 for essay+tok)) are a really good indicator of how you’ll do in Uni, so the colleges can see if you can handle uni work…</p>

<p>Its really hard and a PAINN alot of the time, but I definitely am happy that I took it :slight_smile:
Oh and you can get college credits for some of the Higher level (HL) classes…</p>

<p>I’m in IB…What the hell is a predicted score?</p>

<p>Oh, in my school our teachers have to predict our scores around the end of our first year/ start of 2nd year. They basically look at all the work we have done and predict what our final score will be, and then this predicted score is sent to the colleges so that they know how we have been doing…</p>

<p>Doesnt your school do that?</p>

<p>My predict was 39 out of 45… So like four 6’s and two 7’s and then one bonus point…</p>

<p>Hey I am doing the IB. My predicted was a 40 on 42. We dont get predicted for ToK or EE. I have five 7’s and one 5 :(</p>

<p>Aspire: Thats not bad! What was the 5 in? As long as its not in the class that you want to major in or something they won’t care too much… 5 7s?! Thats amazinggg be happy :)</p>

<p>Haha the 5 is in Math SL. I think im going to be majoring in International Relations so yeah I dont think there is too much of a connection. But still, its a 5 which sucks ass.</p>

<p>Predicted score is not a big deal in the United States, because colleges look at your actual high school grades, and standardized test scores, not IB scores, primarily. It is my understanding that in other countries universities will offer admission based on predicted scores, conditional on the actual scores being similar.</p>

<p>Hunt: Yeah, in other countries admittance is almost purely based on the predicts, like in England and Canada…</p>

<p>But I think the US does still look at them (not as much weight as in Uk/Canada) but I read in this book by some Harvard admissions guy that they see your predicted grades as an idicator of college success, so its good to have atleast solid predicts…</p>

<p>Where do you guys all live?
I go to school in the Middle East, but I’m a US citizen…</p>

<p>My son is in an IB program in the U.S., and I haven’t heard one word about predicted scores; they certainly aren’t on the transcript that is being sent to colleges, and they haven’t been provided to us. Perhaps U.S. colleges look at them from international applicants who are taking IB.</p>

<p>Oh yeah they’re probably only for people who go to school outside of the US then… Our school makes a separate transcript for our predicts and sends them to the colleges…</p>

<p>Aspire: Ahh yeah SL Math can suckkk sometimes haha especially Trig!
Our teachers didnt tell us our individual grades for each class! Only the overall predict :S</p>

<p>I’m taking the IB :smiley: But we don’t have predicted grades</p>

<p>Oh I guess everyones system of scoring is different because some here seem to have an actual gpa and class rank etc etc even after having done the IB. Because we do PURE IB, we have no GPA or ranking system in our school. That is primarly why for college applications we have only two main transcripts going to colleges - Our Junior year (year 11) finals and our Predicteds.</p>

<p>yeah, I don’t have any predicted scores either. I wish I did though, because I think I’m going to do well on my exams (except for maybe bio hl)</p>

<p>im an IB junior rite now and i hate it…but i noe it’ll help in the end so im sucking it up…i havent heard anything abt the predicted scores and i go to school in the US</p>

<p>Haha yeah, it doesn’t really get any better :P</p>

<p>I know everyone probably already says this to you already (seniors always said this to me when I was a junior) but seriously!!! : START EARLY haha, don’t leave the EE and stuff till last minute…</p>