Any Military Brats on here?

<p>Anyone on here a military kid? I happen to be an AirForce brat. </p>

<p>Go AirForce!</p>

<p>Both of my grandfathers were navy (only one wasn’t American navy.) my dad expresses regret all the time that he didnt enlist.</p>

<p>Air Force! REPRESENT!</p>

<p>Closest family I have who was in the military was my Great Uncle…he was an Army paratrooper in WWII.</p>

<p>Air force all the way!!!</p>

<p>Army brat…</p>

<p>My grandpa was a marine corps pilot.</p>

<p>Not quite what you’re asking, but… </p>

<p>Grandfather in the US navy during WWII and after
Great-grandfather in the UK navy during WWII, dived for mines
another great-grandfather in UK army, drove tanks
Great-great-granfather in the UK army in WWI, KIA
Great-great-uncle in the Austro-hungarian army in WWI
Three of his kids (4th cousins?) in German army in WWII, 2 KIA and one captured at Stalingrad, didn’t return home for 5 years after the war.</p>

<p>I’m into my military research :)</p>

<p>IT means if you are the child of a service man</p>

<p>my uncle is a retired soldier. not an American one though</p>

<p>@kyp I realised, but everyone else was just posting random family members, so I thought I’d join in :D</p>

<p>My dad was in the military!</p>

<p>NAVY! Whoohoo!</p>

<p>My paternal grandpa was from the Army that retreated along with Chiang.
My dad was in Air Force, not in the U.S. though.</p>

<p>My father was in the Navy and grandfather was in the Army.</p>