<p>Hey guys, I've been thinking about this for awhile now and would like to hear your input on this. So, I'm an army brat, (meaning my parent is an active duty soldier). I always have been. I live on post and everything. Anyways, I was wondering if this could play a factor in college admissions. Obviously, the lifestyle has played a major influence on me. I think that it may set me apart from the rest of crowd, but then again I can't find any statistics concerning the amount of army brats who are applying to college my class year. Some programs I've researched cater specifically to army brats, like RSI, which has an application for students who attend DoD schools. Perhaps college apps are similar? While I realize that this is in no way a "hook," I was hoping someone could help enlighten me and my fellow army brats who may be researching this same topic in the future. Will it be a factor? And if so, how strong a factor do you think it'll be? Just thought I'd ask. All opinions are welcome. Thanks.</p>
<p>Academic challenges of being an army brat could be a REALLY good essay. And yeah, I think AB status could be a boost. But it won’t turn a 1800 SAT into an Ivy League acceptance.</p>
<p>Yeah, I’m most likely going to be writing about it in my essay. It’s a pretty unique perspective of life. Thanks.</p>