Any multi gen blacks?

<p>Just wondering how many black CCers there are who are multiple generation americans(not 1st gen/immigrant). Only asking because I see a lot of posts from Africans but not too many AA.</p>

<p>Hey ivy2010, im also an AA, however I am adopted by a Jewish family so im not sure how all of that will play out in the whole college admissions game ha ha.</p>

<p>Its really weird though how many Africans are on these boards which is pretty disproportionate to their actual percentage of the AA community.</p>

<p>Yeah, I was thinking the same thing lol.</p>

<p>Do you mean just our ancestry is multi generational or we’ve had multi gens in college? </p>

<p>My family is multi generational/of traditional AA ancestry. My aunt even [wrote</a> a book about it](<a href=“]wrote”> And the first person in my family to go to college was my great-great grandmother. I don’t know if she counts since there was a one-generation break and she only had an Associate’s degree, but both of my maternal grandparents had Masters degrees, so maybe they count as the first people in my family too.</p>

<p>Here. Though my father is a Jamaican immigrant, my mom has been born in America. I’m wondering, should I list my part-Jamaican heritage or would it be best to stick with African-American?</p>

<p>Obstinate, you are just like me!
My father was from jamaica but my mom is from Wisconsin lol.
I’m sticking with AA all the way. I don’t know what difference it would make to be like ‘OH but I’m HALF jamaican!’</p>