Any nervous nursing students out there??!

<p>Yea, we are supposed to be finding out any day now if we got in or so nervous. Any other nursing applicants out there, or any other guys (like myself) who are nursing applicants?</p>

<p>It seems like it is just you me CU4L91! Do you know how large the freshman class is for the nursing school? Or how many apply?</p>

<p>lmao I KNOW glabalhealthgirl. I dont know if you’ve had an on-campus interview for upenn yet but when/if you do, you’ll find out that the class is VEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRYYYY small. we are talking like less than 300 but no more than 230 small. And because of this very small class, penn accepts alot of them. (so when kids see that penn nursing accepts maybe 30-45% of their applicants they are like, “o wow that school is really easy to get into”, but thats not true-its just that the class is so small and they HAVE to accept enough to actually MAKE a class.
And when I was on campus, I went on a tour and my tourguide was a nursing student. When I told her that I was a guy applying to nursing, her mouth like dropped to the ground because she said that out of her whole class she only knew like 4-6 GUYS in nursing. But, globalhealthgirl, I’n almost positive that we have a GREAT chance of getting in because not only has penn’s application numbers for RD gone down (in general) but my tourguide said that the nursing school is trying to EXPAND/GROW their class…so, combine these factors with an already high percentage chance, and i think our dreams can come true and we can be chanting “Go Quakers” in the fall, and working in clinical research come spring/fall 2010 :P</p>

<p>Thank you CU4L91…I feel better and worst! I have not been called on to take an interview-I thought only legacies were interviewed? They must be very interested in you!</p>

<p>When you said 230-300 do you mean in the freshman class or all of the undergrads combined for nursing?</p>

<p>I am feeling very anxious-can you tell?!?</p>

<p>Don’t worry I dont even think you NEED an interview to be honost (extremely high test scores). But I am an URM, MALE applying to nursing so idk how many of those they get a year lol. But, as for the 230-300, its only for EACH class - so for the incoming freshman class it will probably be in that range (i’d be very surprised if it were more). And don’t worry, I’m like shaking in my boots too…im really nervous. I just want to find out what the verdict is. btw, have you gotten your pennportal yet???</p>

<p>Yes I have a Penn Portal-why, any clues there?</p>

<p>Did they give you any range of stats (like GT Nursing does) for the 25-75 accepted students CU4L91?</p>

<p>I am white well represented female from NJ-I have to be above the 75 percent range to even be considered! If I at least had a sense of their stats I would feel better-</p>

<p>URGH! I still havent gotten my penn portal yet! Do you know if they let their applicants know through THAT or just regular email?
Well, when I had my interview my interviewer said something like a 27-29 is their ave. mean for ACT scores. (<em>cough</em> im not even in that range hence why im so nervous) So I think you are weeeeellllllll qualified and should be a shoe-in. All that is resting on ur decision are ur recc’s and ur essay. As for me, im screwed and i hope they just see how much i love nursing and love their school :P…<em>SIGH</em> I hope i get the fat envelope in the mail instead on the thin flimsy one :(</p>

<p>correction 27-30 (just checked my notes from the interview lol, im such a geek)</p>

<p>As a male and under represented group I really disagree- your GPA is ALWAYS more important than test scores. Also, nursing wants men and UPenn wants under represented groups-</p>

<p>We really are Ying and Yang-true opposites! Funny! </p>

<p>I think they superscore the ACT- does that help you?</p>

<p>yea, they do superscore but that still doesnt help me unfortunetly :P.
But do you know if they let us know whether we got in through the PENN PORTAL or through EMAIL…or worse…SNAILMAIL</p>

<p>I have no idea. My Penn Portal is locked which is giving me a nervous breakdown! Can you log on to your Penn Portal?</p>

<p>It looks like last year people heard around 2/23. One person did log on to their Penn Portal and the decision letter was there. Than the mail came.</p>

<p>ur penn portal is locked??! well, atleast u have one. 2/23!! ahhh thats tomm.! do u know if we find out in the am, or pm around 5ish?</p>

<p>I am the least in the know person… desperate, so I looked at last years threads-they heard last year on 2/23. I really have no sense of when we will hear-but I believe it will be soon.</p>

<p>Did your interviewer tell you? We seem to be the only ones concerned (or should I say neurotic!)</p>

<p>Well I know for a FACT that they deliberated on 2/19…but it seems like Penn is doing everything so slow this year because when i had my interview like a month earlier, my interviewer said that they would RELEASE decisions on 2/19—so it seems like they are just behind.
And wouldnt that be something if we were the only ones that applied lmao…penn would release something like, “this year we had an incredibly solid applicant pool of two students…and we accepted both of them making it the first time in penn history that 100% of the applicants were accepted”. lol that would be something.
But something tells me we should find out sometime this week (hopefully tomm), at around 5ish because the ivy-league schools have a tendency to release their decisions at either 5 or 6.</p>

<p>btw, can u send me the link of last years post of when they found out on the 23rd, if u can?</p>

<p>2-23-2007, 11:40 PM #1

<p>Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Kansas
Posts: 413</p>

Dreams shattered!
good bye
I hate my life … i dont know where i will end up next year…
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02-23-2007, 11:42 PM #2
Senior Member</p>

<p>Join Date: May 2006
Location: Wesleyan 2 NYU lawl
Posts: 6,979
Go to the best school you get into and try to transfer if Penn is really that big of a deal to you.
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02-23-2007, 11:47 PM #3
Junior Member</p>

<p>Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 175
What program was notified today?
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02-23-2007, 11:51 PM #4

<p>Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Kansas
Posts: 413</p>

<p>I am nursing and health car management. nurising cant be that easy if i didnt get in… :cry:
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02-24-2007, 12:36 AM </p>

<p>(CU4L91- I found this looking at some old posts- see, now you know I am going crazy!!!)</p>

<p>hahahaha HI CU4L91 and globalhealthgirl!
Count me in on the “very nervous nursing students” waiting to hear back from Penn!!
haha I’ve read some other post by you guys and today’s the first time I’m actually writing. I hope we all get in!!! <em>fingers crossed</em></p>

<p>I still wouldnt be worried globalhealthgirl, this applicant didnt even mention what her stats were. Hopefully we find out tomm, so let me know WHEN you get in.</p>

<p>yaaaayyy, we have another nursing applicant. we welcome u with open arms liz5354! Wat are ur stats like liz?</p>

<p>Yes, a very warm welcome to Liz 5354…we needed some more love…hoping for only good results for all of us!!! At least we have the Oscars to give us a diversion tonight!!! Go Slumdog!!!</p>