Would like to hear from those who were accepted to the nursing school

<p>Hi! First off major congrats on your acceptances! I'm a hopeful junior who just received an email from Penn yesterday (through the Collegeboard Service PSAT thingy...which is really surprising because I got a 182 on them lol). So yes this email rekindled my hopes in going to a great school like Penn.</p>

<p>I was just wondering about all of your stats. If you don't mind posting your test scores and grades and anything else you think would be helpful, I would really appreciate it. I am just trying to get a feel for what it'd take to get into the nursing school at Penn.</p>

<p>I can give you a quick idea of where I stand in high school...top 8% or so (self-calculated since there are no ranks), 98.97% weighted cumulative average over 5 semesters. My most recent semester was a 4.2 (calculated myself) and a 99.70%. Toughest curriculum possible with the exception of the subject of history (ick).
Extracurriculars are NHS, Italian NHS, Italian Club, Science Club, did softball for 2 years (not through school) but I cannot anymore since I have just had ACL surgery (yesterday...lol). I have almost 100 hours of service as of now: 75 for school requirement and 25 extra, and will continue service at a hospital (71.5 hours were completed at the hospital). I am hoping to get a job this summer after recovering from surgery and ofcourse having a break from school.
ACT first time I got a 30 and I am taking it again in April.</p>

<p>I really appreciate the help!</p>

<p>You look like you are on track…might want to boost your GPA a bit more and definitely volunteer at a hospital over the summer to get a feel for nursing and it would be easier for essay too lol…if you really want to come to penn nursing…i would recommend applying early decision because acceptance rate for early decision is very very high…like this year i think only 70 ppl did early and say about 30-40 got in early…which is pretty good compared to the other schools…make sure you show alot of interest in nursing/medicine when writing essay because they would reject you even if you had stats that could get into wharton but if u don’t show interest
Your first ACT looks pretty good but try to get like 32 or something
o yea don’t skip out on language…for some reason they love foreign language…my interviewer asked alot of questions on language </p>

<p>my stats:
2190 SAT SATII bio:780. U.S history:790, MathII: 760 Chinese:800
GPA: W; 4.2 rank: top 3%</p>

<p>nursing is like a trade school, so nursing EC really help (as said above volunteering in hospitals, nursing homes, etc)</p>

<p>Thanks for the quick replies! I have been taking Italian at school and actually skipped level III because foreign language is my easiest subject (only one other person skipped with me). Unfortunately Collegeboard canceled AP Italian but I’m pretty sure my school is going to create an Italian Honors class so I can continue studying the language.</p>

<p>Make sure you show that you are confident about nursing. Show that you really care through your essays and interviews. </p>

<p>I didn’t have fabulous SAT1 but I had stellar SAT2 scores to redeem myself- MathIIC-780, Chem 780, Spanish 750 (I’m Korean) gpa- 3.86/4.00 top 3% in class of 566.
Activity wise, I had many leadership roles- in all of my activities: chem club, habitat for humanity, blood drive, yearbook. Also I volunteered almost 450 hours, weekly since my sophomore year. I went to honduras twice during the summer so I made sure that I made myself stand out that way. Most importantly, you have to be confident about nursing and back it up with your extracurr activities and grades. Show passion! :)</p>

<p>oh and I applied RD.</p>

<p>oh oops…correction on my bio score…it’s a 760 lol</p>

<p>I’m a high school junior, and I definitely want to go into nursing.
I LOVED Penn’s nursing school, but obviously I need to look around at other
nursing schools. I’m going to go see Georgetown, Emory, JHU, BC, and NYU.
Did you guys look at any other schools? How does the financial aid compare
at these schools, also? THANKS</p>

<p>well…i could tell u with GREAT CONFIDENCE that NYU is the worst (in terms of FA) - hands down.</p>

<p>I was considering NYU but am really turned off by the fact that there is NO campus feel to it whatsoever. Shayz328 I am also considering BC and Georgetown. I am going to try to visit those places over the summer, hopefully along with Penn. I am also considering UIC and Loyola Chicago (I’m from Chicago). Maybe UVA, Minnesota, Iowa…lol. Lots of places to consider!</p>

<p>You could also consider Villanova and SUNY Binghamton.</p>