Any non-skiers at Colorado College?

Hi all

We hail from the midwest but vacation in Colorado every summer. Just love it. We’ve never bit the bullet and taken our kids skiing in the winter though. For many reasons, I think CC could be a terrific option for our both of our kids. They just love the outdoors and everything CO offers…except maybe skiing! Would they feel out of place at CC? Are there kids who don’t ski there? I just envision the whole campus empty during the breaks between classes with everyone headed for the slopes.

Thanks for any insight!

Probably not because the ski areas are several hours away.

Yes. I believe the closest is about two hours away but there are multi-day breaks between classes and I’ve heard lots of kids go skiing during these breaks. Maybe a current student or someone currently considering CC would know. :wink:

I bet it’s no different than schools in New England and there are plenty that don’t. Better indicators would be Dartmouth and Middlebury which own their own ski slopes. If there are non skiers there, there are probably more at CC.

CO resident here: I know CC friends who are avid skiers and CC friends who would rather be dragged behind a car on the interstate. Plenty of people at CC are into other outdoors things like hiking, climbing, kayaking, and other non-skiing activities.

My son goes to CC and is not a skier. He grew up skiing, but doesn’t like it. He is also not very outdoorsy. When he was deciding which college to go to, his biggest concerns about going to CC were that he would be the only non-outdoorsy person and that he would not find “his people”. I am happy to say that he loves CC and there are lots of students that are just like him.