<p>I want to apply to CC for the Block Plan, the academics, and beautiful Colorado. But I've never been skiing. I will also likely be on financial aid if I get accepted. Does the CC outdoor program include opportunities for beginners to learn to ski? If so, are they affordable? CC looks great, but my nightmare scenario is that during the block breaks all the rich kids go off skiing and the (few) financial aid kids are left behind on campus working in the dining hall. Someone talk me down...! And thanks.</p>
<p>Le Rouge et le Noir-Stendhal–Impressive</p>
<p>Here is a listing of student organizations. Check them out. Some involve skiing. But, also notice there are all kinds of clubs for all kinds of interests. You WILL NOT be “left behind” on breaks if you never learn to ski. A female friend of my S doesn’t ski and she loves CC. She is active in a variety of different things and has plenty of options at breaks.</p>
<p>My S is now a Soph. Last year on one break, he went with a group of guys to ski (at Breckenridge, I think) while staying at a cabin that was owned by the parent of one student. That helps everyone keep the costs down.</p>
<p>Also, there are different “mountain passes” available (at REI and another location in CS, google “5 mountain pass”)for different resorts and at different prices.</p>
<p>This year my Soph S is classified as a Junior (AP’s at CC are given course credit for determining class), so he brought his car to campus. There are several skii mountains within driving distance of the campus. Once you get to CC, you can scout it out and pitch-in for gas with people going skiing who have cars.</p>
<p>On other block breaks, S has gone with a group to concerts at Red Rock. He has also gone camping (at a CC provided location) and done hiking. Skiing isn’t all there is to do.</p>
<p>Also, there is a lot of free stuff available on campus on the weekends. Don’t be too concerned about “the rich kids.” If you look at the CC stats, in the past a lot of kids are there with financial assistance. FYI–RA’s (resident advisors) earn $8000 a year.</p>
<p>[Colorado</a> College | Pathfinder](<a href=“http://www.coloradocollege.edu/resources/Pathfinder/StudentOrganizations.asp]Colorado”>http://www.coloradocollege.edu/resources/Pathfinder/StudentOrganizations.asp)</p>
<p>That said, my S does report that the campus is pretty quiet on block breaks. He and his roomie stayed home for one, and there were only two parties (doesn’t sound that bad to me, but hey, I’m not 18!) Like DAD said above, you don’t have to be rich to ski. I think it is more about your attitude and flexibility. If you like to do outdoors stuff, you will find plenty to do.</p>