Would a non-athletic student fit in?

<p>I was just accepted to CC with a great fin aid package, and I really love it, but I've heard a lot about it being a school for heavy-outdoorsy types. I can ski on beginning slopes, and I work out, but other than that I don't fit into that type at all. I'm definetely not an outdoors-woman. Would I be totally out of place at CC?</p>

<p>OK–here goes, my S is a Junior at CC. His take is that it is a very ACTIVE campus. </p>

<p>Academics. For some it is “outdoorsy” because of the subject matter of the courses they are interested in taking. Field work, etc. You can go to the Colorado College website and get a breakdown of the majors of the graduating classes. Not all require a lot of outdoors or field work.</p>

<p>EC’s. CC has an Arts department and they have student performances in progress all the time. Those are activities, but not outdoorsy. There are sports to follow (Hockey) or participate in, but it surely is a “jock” mentality place. There is also a Greek system that provides social opportunites other than outdoor things.</p>

<p>The weekends and block breaks. A good percentage of the students like to take at least some advantage of being in Colorado with the opportunities for hiking, biking, camping, skiing, rafting etc. But, there are other things available on and off campus that don’t come close to being “outdoorsy.”</p>

<p>My take as a parent and from visiting? CC is a really engaged environment. It probably isn’t the best for the truly sedate and passive person. But, you don’t have to be a “mountain woman” to fit right into the mix. If you continue to workout at CC, like to do things and have an appreciation of the beauty and opportunities being in this part of Colorado exposes you to, you should do fine.</p>

<p>Pershaps the best suggestion is to visit asap. It really helps to get a feel. FWIW–my S has stayed around campus since Wednesday when Block 6 let out before Spring Break. He is chillin’ until tomorrow when he and several other CC Dance majors (he is a double major in Mathematical Economics and Dance) head out for a juried dance competion at Webber State in Utah. CC is providing the transportation. I just sent a batch of brownies for the trip.</p>

<p>Engaged and active people do fine.</p>



<p>07DAD, did you mean to say it surely is NOT a “jock” mentality place?</p>

<p>tk21769–thanks for catching that. CC is NOT a jock mentality place.</p>