<p>Does anyone know of any Diversity classes that are either online or meet any day but Friday?</p>
<p>I need to fufill my Diversity requirement, but with my current schedule, it would be best if I could take an online one or one that meets any day but Friday.</p>
<p>Thanks again!</p>
<p>I’m in EEX3312 and it meets on Tues and Thurs. I’m in the same boat with diversity credits and as I’ve been stalking the class list on ISIS it looks like the majority of classes with diversity are only Tues and Thurs in the afternoon.</p>
<p>Hmm. 3312 and EEX 2000 both are Diversity, but the Tuesday 10-11 period for 2000 conflicts with 2 of my RTV classes. But I found that 3312 meets T 7 and Th 7-8, so it would fit. Looks likse I jsut gotta stalk ISIS. I hear Mary Nelson is a great teacher for 3312.
Taking that would mean im in class form 2-7 PM and 2-6 PM tuesdays and thursdays respectively, but at least ill have mondays, wednesdays, and fridays off since I am replacing marketing for another class I could use (taking marketing when i study abroad
<p>THE2000 Theater Appreciation is Diversity and there is an online section. There are live sections also.</p>
<p>Hmm, I actually had THE 2000 (live) for a da before I replaced it with another class last Fall. Main reason being the live instructor (Mitchell) was new, and I have this thing about new professors lol.</p>
<p>Would you say it is an easy online class?</p>
<p>Marriage and Family (SYG 2430) also has an online section and is a diversity credit.</p>
<p>Isnt SYG2430 Writing as well though? I do not need writing since another English electice I need to take will finish off my Gordon Rule</p>
<p>I took the live section which didn’t have writing. I’m not exactly sure about the online section though.</p>