Any problems with scholarship and dual credit?

My D just informed me she had signed up to receive dual credit for her business classes at her school. This isn’t going to be a problem with her scholarship, is it? I seem to recall several people mentioning their dual credit, so I doubt it, but I’m looking for confirmation that I don’t have to do anything about this. Thanks!

My Ds was just a few hrs shy of a jr after transfered in all his credits. Definitely not a problem.

Both my daughters received scholarships even though they had dual credit hours. Admissions told me as long as the hours were taken while they were still in high school, it would not affect scholarships.

Excellent! That is what I thought, but wanted to double check with you guys before I called UA in a panic :wink:

It’s also worth noting that UA allows incoming freshmen (which your daughter is considered to be) to take college classes at another college/university during the summer between his high school graduation and his first semester at UA provided she does so as a visiting student.

Because of some changes to the full tuition scholarships, the scholarships that are Presidential and in the NMF package may now be used for graduate work. Our son is a freshman with upperclassman standing, which doesn’t mean much except for picking classes and maybe football tickets. Why do I say that? Because certain course sequencing will dictate how early he’ll complete his undergrad stuff. But we know that if he applies to University Scholars, he will be able to complete his BS/MS in four years and maybe still have two semesters of NMF tuition left to pursue more grad work – or he may choose to add in other majors/minors before graduating. It just makes it more flexible, but any sequencing will be the backbone of your student’s course plan. It’s really great!!! And Alabama allows you to stack scholarships, so if your student applies for other, external scholarships, you’ll be able to combine them all. Roll Tide! {{realize this thread is older, but it was so helpful to us to know about the extension of the scholarships especially for students who will most definitely complete a basic undergrad in less than four years…many NMFs and top ACT students will have these opportunities as UA!!}}

Just remember that the grade she receives in the course will count towards her overall UA college GPA. Only classes taken at Bama impact scholarship retention and HC retention, but any dual enrollment course does count in the overall GPA calculation.