Any prospective MIT disabled students, come here!

<p>Hi everybody,</p>

<p>I'm a current MIT sophomore, and I have a disability at MIT (physical disability if you've been wondering). I noticed that over the past year or so, I've had about 3-4 disabled prospective students contacting me about MIT and its accommodations/disabled students there, etc through CC just by reading my posts by accident or something.</p>

<p>I feel that MIT could have done better to outreach to promising disabled students who may have not thought about applying for MIT but has the promise to succeed at MIT, just as MIT often outreach towards racial minority students (ie--Why not include disabled students into the OME programs and so on?). (I'm working on this issue now.)</p>

<p>So, if you have a disability of any nature (learning or physical) and want to learn more about MIT in your case or any questions, feel free to contact me (PM or IM me).</p>

<p>Do you know about DSO? It doesn’t seem particularly odd to me that OME doesn’t handle disability cases, since DSO exists. Similarly, it doesn’t strike me as odd that OME doesn’t handle queer stuff, since LGBT@MIT exists.</p>

<p>But anyway, yay outreach :)</p>

<p>Yeah, I know about DSO…but OME has great programs, such as Interphase, etc that they could include disabled students in it.</p>

<p>DSO just provide accommodation and forwards us emails about employees looking for disabled students…but I think that could be done better and more.</p>

<p>I think this makes sense if you’re also prepared to include LGBT, women, people with hard finance situations (OME may do this already), and other less-privileged people. Which would be a very interesting proposal ^^</p>

<p>Piper, that’s a good idea!!</p>