Any recs for conservative schools?

<p>I am new to CC forums but have already gained much from reading these threads. My D2 is a junior and is forming a list of schools to visit. She did not enjoy the Duke campus (my Alma mater :( ) but I admit it has changed. She is interested in studying Bio/PreMed and would like a challenging small-med sized school likely located in the SE. However D2 also would like a conservative/moderate leaning school but with some prestige (Are there any left?).<br>
Brief Stats:
SAT1 2300
PSAT 225 (will be at least NMF)
4.0 uwGPA, 5.35w
Rank 1/287
Excellent ECs w/ multi leadership roles, HOBY
Ethnicity Hispanic
Thanks for any help!</p>

<p>Hello and welcome to CC and the Hispanic Students forum!</p>

<p>With her stats, your D can look at just about any schools in the country as long as she has reasonable match and safety schools as well on her list. Some possibilities that come to mind:</p>

<p>Vandy, Davidson, WUSTL, Rice, Emory, UVA, Wake Forest, UNC-CH, W&M, UMiami, CMC, Washington & Lee, URichmond.</p>

<p>Of course, not all of these are in the SE, not all are sm-med, and I’m not terribly familiar with some of them but they seem to be worth checking out. The larger schools are not necessarily conservative, but I think they would have a broad enough spectrum of POVs, that a student could find like-minds. And as far as prestige level, it really depends on how much your D wants, many of these are not ‘household names’, but are excellent colleges that could serve her well. Even WUSTL, ranked 14 by USN&WR, most people will think is UDub.</p>

<p>Based on her PSAT score, your D should be hearing from her HS GC about NHRP this spring.</p>

<p>Also, check out the Resources sticky thread for fly in opportunities for her.</p>

<p>Finally, will she be looking for schools with merit aid? I think there are some SE LACs that have good merit and would be looking for Hispanic students, just not sure if they would fit her idea of prestige.</p>

<p>“Vandy, Davidson, WUSTL, Rice, Emory, UVA, Wake Forest, UNC-CH, W&M, UMiami, CMC, Washington & Lee, URichmond.”</p>

<p>Thanks so much entomom. Those are great schools (except for UNC of course :wink: ) and we have spoken favorably about a few. We have also been to Rice and she loved it (a bit too much since it is rather far away). Any of those would certainly bring enough prestige.</p>

<p>We have looked into a few merit programs such as Belk at Davidson and Reynolds at Wake. Both also seem to have a URM/diversity merit program. We have sent scores and requested info online. Any other suggestions to get her on these school’s early radar for merit consideration? I will be sure to have my D check out your other suggestions. Thanks again!</p>

<p>I believe she would qualify for significant merit at Bama.</p>



<p>Yeah, I forgot! I’m a Cal grad and feel the same about ‘that’ school across the Bay.</p>

<p>Looks like you’re covering most the bases, definitely email any school with a diversity program. If she hasn’t already, she can become a Ventures Scholar, see the link on the Resources sticky thread. It’s not a highly selective program, but they have many member colleges and send emails about programs and scholarships to participants.</p>

<p>Would she consider a summer program? There are several selective, scholarship based ones like MIT Mites and CMU SAMS that she might be interested in; again, links are on the Resources thread.</p>

<p>Great. Thanks to both of you.</p>

<p>1 I second Entomom’s suggestion for summer scholarship programs. You should look for those that are free or at a reduced cost. Also make sure it is a selective program; one where the application requires essay; teacher recs; transcripts etc. If you go full-pay on a summer program then make sure it is one that has some selectivity like the Stanford EPGY or the Duke TIP programs. You can look at programs listed in the summer school forum here on cc or also google “pre-college programs”. I know MIT has one for girls that I believe is science based. There is a Clark Program at a school in Texas; Emory has a science based one for girls and of course in California there is COSMOS. I don’t know your financial situation but those are some suggestions. </p>

<p>Get the book “Imfirst”; you can order now at a discount on the website <a href=“”></a> and look at the partner colleges for their pre-college programs. Those school are actively looking for first generation students but many are also looking for hispanics so the information is relevant. I find it very useful in college admission information and college search. </p>

<li><p>If your DD is thinking of going the pre-med route then she may want to think of the Combined MD programs. There is a list somewhere I just can’t find it now. Baylor (which is conservative) has one called B2B MD program. George Washington has one. In addition to good grades/scores it is also key that she volunteer with a hospital or doctor as part of applying to those type of programs. </p></li>
<li><p>Contact any school she is interested and start a dialogue with their Latino recruiter. I don’t know how to determine if a college is conservative or liberal (other than Cal) but a couple of other schools that come to mind are Georgia Tech- excellent biology program and they have a Hispanic Recruitment Team that does a great job. College of Charleston has an excellent biology program. The Latino recruiter (Christina DeCarlo(I could be wrong but it sounds like that) is actively looking for Latino students and offers a summer program. Also Elon comes to mind. </p></li>

<p>Of course some of our suggestions bear on what you can afford. I know Eckerd is great at biology but it strikes me as a more liberal school. It is part of the “colleges that change lives” group which are all great schools.</p>

<p>Wow! You both have a great depth of knowledge about this process. </p>

<p>My D has been part of the Duke Tip in past. So far she has received an invitation to apply to Notre Dame’s Leadership summer program which is fully funded except for travel. We are Catholic so she is interested in checking it out. Do you all know anything about that program?</p>

<p>We have also looked into the Rice/Baylor combo med program which seems very selective. I am on a board at our in-state Med School and would love for her to come back but it will be her choice. Finances are not a huge concern but with Med schools running 30-45k/yr, the total bill can accumulate quickly.</p>

<p>College selection has changed so much and I am very appreciative of all your help. What a great resource.</p>

<p>The Latino program at ND is good. One positive about applying to summer programs is that it is a test run for applying to college. It forces them to get organized (resume etc.) and get in the practice of writing essays. Plus if they get rejected they see that their world does not come to an end. Look for others; I know there are some out there that are pre-med focus for Latinos.</p>

<p>Itsv–I have tried finding the website and reference “” or “irmfirst”. Is that a typo? Please let me know as I’m very interested.</p>

<p>Here is the link:</p>

<p>[I’m&lt;/a&gt; First | College is my opportunity](<a href=“]I’m”></p>

<p>I love their book. Very useful… Website was revised and I find it less user friendly now. You have to really hunt down to find the partner colleges. Be sure to sign up for their newsletter. </p>

<p>Good luck.</p>