Any rising seniors applying this year?

<p>I'm not sure if I'll apply here or not...but I am seriously considering and I was wondering if anyone might/will be applying as well? What's your prospective major? I'm going in as a pre-pharm student.</p>

<p>Son MAY be applying. He's interested in engineering, physics & computer science. His GC recommended Purdue, along with 60+ other schools. As a parent, I'm intrigued by their 5 year program, where they help engineers have work experience. Son is still weeding thru these many schools.
His grades & test scores make him competitive.</p>

<p>HiMom - the 5-year co-op program is excellent. Co-oping lets students have a much better idea of what being an engineer is all about and helps them narrow down their interests. Also, the work experience during college is a significant boost when job hunting in the senior year.</p>

<p>I have sent in my application. My dad is a graduate and my HS stats check out. I love rolling admissions, Purdue is a strong back up for me. </p>

<p>I'm from houston, tx. I would like Indiana very much, esp after visiting.</p>

<p>My friend is applying. He's interested in engineering, or computer science, or I dont know. I visited the school with him last fall and thought it was a great school, just not my kind ya know. Anyhow he really likes it and even went to some summer program there. He was freaking out this past week about applications being due like really really soon. Is that true? or maybe that's just EA/ED.</p>

<p>They are accepting apps. It's rolling admissions, so he can find out real quick.</p>

<p>haha I just checked with fastweb and you are right, sir. apparently the cut-off date is march 1st. hmm. I'll have to make fun of him for that one.</p>

<p>I plan on applying to purdue mostly b/c a lot of my friends are going there. The campus is pretty but the town of west laffayette sux and there are too many guys. outside of engineering and the hard sciences (microbio, biochem, physics) the school is god awful. A lot of the teachers and teacher assisstants barely speak english. I would recommend it if you want to be an engineer but for anything else i wouldnt</p>

<p>My D has applied to Purdue. Major is elec. engr.</p>

<p>terrybhs06 I don't understand your are going because you have friends there? It would seem you don't like it much and you appear to be from out of much are you paying? Did you get a major financial award or something? I'd love to hear more from you.....I mean even in engineering you could choose better schools so why PU?</p>

<p>My friend applied and was accepted 5 days later (as in he's been accepted already). I've decided not to apply, but this is his 2nd choice, so it's kind of nice to be in at a school and he loves, and now he's only applying to Wake Forest.</p>

<p>Jusgimmethegun I take it your son has not looked at the admission website? It clearly states when/how long for a reply......I believe they began processing on 6 Sept.</p>

<p>Admission Notification</p>

<p>Purdue evaluates applications on a rolling basis, which means students who are admissible at the time Purdue receives their completed applications will receive a response as soon as possible. Students who apply early in the admission cycle generally receive a response within two to three weeks. Students who apply later (as early as November or December for some programs) may not receive a response for six to eight weeks. Applicants to programs in great demand may also wait longer for a response.</p>

<p>I never said I was going to purdue. Im applying just in case I decide to go. I dont hate the school but im not in love with it. My top choice is Ohio University. Im applying to see how much aid I get and in case I decide I want to go I'll go. I just moved from IN a month ago so I love it there and I have family nearby so I havent completely ruled purdue out. I would say its third on my list behind Ohio Univ-Athens, and Miami(OH) Univ.</p>

<p>Yay! I have my acceptance letter! I also got 14,200 in academic scholarships. One down, 4 to go!</p>

<p>hey im sorry but can i ask what were your stats .. just to get some idea of the aid that i might get</p>


<p>Class rank: 21 of 665. (School is one of the Top Ten in Texas for public schools)
GPA: 4.58 of 5.0 (valedictorian is usually 4.78, AP and PAP (honor's) classes are worth 5, all others, including some required classes, are only 4)
SAT: 2050 v. 650 m. 740 w. 660 (10/12 on essay)
SAT II's Chem: 800, math: 750, us hist 720
AP's chem 5, comp sci 5, eng 3, us hist 3</p>

<p>My extracurriculars probably helped, but that's academic. Hope it helps you.</p>

<p>My friend just got in today! Good for him. I wish I wouldn't have to worry about my acceptances. I'm not sure what he got in Fin. Aid but I'll tell you on monday. Jolly good luck to the rest of the lot.</p>

<p>I just got accepted to purdue!!!!! i really dont plan on attending but i feel so relieved!!!!!</p>

<p>What kind of fin. aid did you get terry?</p>

<p>ummm... i havent really recieved much info about aid.. i think i will get an offer for being a national achievement semi-finalist or finalist whichever one i end up ... but right now my letter says around 12k</p>