Any rising seniors applying this year?

<p>Are you sure?! My friend said his financial aid package was at like 30 grand but that was including like 4k in loans, so maybe yours is merit, or my friend might be bloating his numbers to make himself sound better. His stats were barely above average.</p>

<p>they havent decided all the merit awards yet... my gift aid is 9100 without loans if im reading this right</p>

<p>Whats your estimated EFC?</p>

<p>lol my parents just seperated so i only listed my moms in come so efc is only like $1000....</p>

<p>Good job! I'm in the same boat as you, not planning on going, but relieved to have an acceptance letter!</p>

<p>i got in toooo
but idk if ill go</p>

<p>wow i'm noticing a general consensus here...</p>

<p>Well, even none of you go to Purdue, you should possibly consider where it ranks in the nation for some of the majors they offer. Businesses know these rankings and come to the places that rank the highest and look the brightest to hire for their companies. Also, another thing to check on schools is if they are ABET acreditted. It is a way to tell if you are really getting your money worth when you get a diploma. If you get a diploma from an acredited program, then that means that your diploma will more likely help you get a job. Just a few things to look at when deciding on a school.</p>

<p>I know I will be in good shape if I go to Purdue. But my love is the military and I want to go to the air force academy. And I my 2 and 3 choices are ranked higher for engineering than Purdue. But I would have no issues with going there, I would enjoy it nonetheless.</p>

<p>yea.. im pretty sure we all know purdue's rankings this is cc after all most of these ppl live for college rankings.</p>

<p>hornetguy - You may also join ROTC programs that most colleges offer. This way you can get the eduacation while getting some of the officer training completed. </p>

<p>I know more people are aware of college rankings now, but when I was deciding on colleges they did not talk as much about the actual ranking, but instead that it was a good school for this or that. I kind of wish I would have heard more about it when I was deciding, but I doubt it would have changed my decision any.</p>

<p>hornetguy, in our HS, among the people who applied to Purdue over the last 5 years, many of them also applied to the military academies. I don't know if your list is final, but another place you might consider is The Citadel.</p>

<p>I have already done my application for ROTC as well lol. Whatever happens, I will be in the military somehow! My choice, in the event I am rejected by the USAFA, is to do AFROTC at Rose-Hulman.</p>

<p>I have never heard of the Citadel. What is that?</p>

<p>It's a military college in SC. Check it out in your guide books, etc.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>BTW, the engineering education is excellent and practical at Rose-Hulman.</p>

<p>yea rose is nice but i wouldnt be looking forward to the 80+ percent guys... even if there is an all girl school nearby</p>

<p>I've applied online, and the only thing I have to do now is wait for my careers advisor to send in my HS transcripts/recommendation letters...I hope I'll be able to get a reply before the end of the month >_<</p>

<p>nice... i think you'll definitely know b4 end of the month ... i found out like 6 days later</p>

<p>has anyone visited?whats it like?
are they good for anything besides engineering? like in the social sciences or journalism?</p>

<p>Ive been many times(spent first 3 yrs. and 2 weeks of high school in central indiana)... really nice campus but the town around it sucks (as does most everywhere in northern indiana)... they have really good business programs and most of there hard sciences are good (not sure about social science). Too many guys but I know a LOT of hott girls from my old school that are going. Lots of the guys are the type that tell those really lame jokes and actually think that they are funny. Lots of anti-social kids but those who are social are pretty nice... If you are looking into journalism i recommend Ohio University-athens its tons of fun, the journalism kids get really nice facilities, its gorgeous ... the girls are gorgeous and did i mention how fun it is!!!</p>

<p>lol... in case your a girl the guys are gorgeous also... and every one is extra nice and open-minded ;)</p>