Any ROTC Scholarship Chance?

<p>I am in the class of 2014. I am going to be a junior. I am a Chinese American living in California.</p>

<p>I would greatly appreciate it if you guys review my grades and tell me my chances. Thanks!</p>

<p>Freshmen First Semester:
Drawing 1: A
AS English: B
Contemporary World Studies (History): A-
P.E.: A
Biology: A-
Geometry: A
Spanish 1: A-</p>

<p>Freshmen Second Semester:
Drawing 2: A-
AS English: B+
Contemporary World Studies:A-
P.E.: A
Biology: B+
Geometry: A
Spanish 2: A-</p>

<p>Sophomore First Semester:
Spanish 3: A-
Modern World History: A-
P.E.: A
AS English: B+
Art 3D: A
Chemistry: B+
Algebra 3-4: A</p>

<p>Sophomore Second Semester:
Spanish 4: A
Modern World History: A
P.E.: B
AS English: B+
Art 3D: A
Chemistry: A-
Algebra 3-4: A</p>

<p>I hope that the colleges won't care about that B in P.E., I was doing stupid things, and so it marked me down a letter grade.</p>

<p>I have an Unweighted 3.71 GPA</p>

<p>My first PSAT score was: 152 (I know its bad)</p>

<p>BUT, I've worked on my math and I get around 600s for math now, I don't know about reading and writing.</p>

<p>Also I took an online practice ACT, and I got a 26-27.</p>

<p>I'm going to take a two week long SAT boot camp class though, so hopefully I can greatly improve these scores.</p>

<p>So far, I've done 2 years of Swimming</p>

<p>I have not volunteered yet, but I will.
I plan to volunteer to teach old people how to use the computer, and I plan to volunteer to help clean up the bay.</p>

<p>Also, if this helps, I will do life guard training, and next summer I will life guard at my local pool.</p>

<p>I've taken Intermediate Algebra in Summer School last year, and got a B. This year I'm taking a Introduction to Composition and Writing class, and I predict an A-.
Next year, I plan to take AP US History and AP English as my APs. Also, I'm going to take this period where I just go and tutor kids in math.
Senior year, I plan to take AP Calculus, AP Biology, AP English, and maybe one or two more.</p>

<p>I know that my SAT scores ruin a lot of my chances, but I'm sure I'm going to raise it up to hopefully around 1850-2050</p>

<p>As for Physical Aspects, I'm not that fit.
I can do 50 push ups
I can do 60 sit ups in 2 minutes
I can do 20 chin-ups
I run an average of a 7 minute mile
I swim a 31 second 50 Free</p>

<p>I am 5'6"- 5'7"
I'm underweight, and I weigh 105 pounds</p>

<p>Currently, I'm trying to work out and gain weight, and I'm eating protein. </p>

<p>Please tell me if I have a chance. Thanks. Sorry for any spelling errors.</p>

<p>ROTC Preference:
1. NROTC (Marine option)
4. NROTC (Navy option)</p>

<p>You have a 0% chance if you don’t apply. Ask yourself if a scholarship is worth your life, and then apply if your answer is yes. It’s not about a free education, it’s about leading men and women into combat and being a United States Naval Officer who honors his/her country with all of his life. Good luck.</p>

<p>Your stats look good so far. They want to see scholarship, athletics, leadership. The scholarships are different, so you need to research them more and decide which service you are interested in the most. You can apply for multiple scholarships, but only accept one, so make sure you know how they all work and what your future service will be.</p>

<p>Military service should be your first goal, not just a way to pay for school.</p>

<p>There’s a great forum you can check out. Look for service academy forums dot net. Good luck.</p>

<p>Do you happen to speak Chinese? If so, that would probably be a huge benefit.</p>

<p>Your stats are decent. Work on your ACT/SAT and try to garner in some leadership positions and exercise for the PT test. Just keep at it!</p>