Any seniors applying to UW-Madison

<p>Here to start off, hey everyone. My name is David and I am applying to UW-Madison from NJ, the next couple of months should be an interesting roller coaster for all of us. Can anyone like Barron's or any science students tell me how the facilities of the genetics/physics/bio department of UW-Madison is? Out of the sceinces in the midwest, UW-Madison ranks one of the highest? THanks</p>

<p>Second is scholarships, anyone willing to give a scholarship pages. Thank you</p>

<p>Genetics and biology (which is really about 6 departments) have new facilities in most areas. Physics is getting a new building that is opening this fall.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>wisconsin offers scholarships to out of state students from alumni assosiations. I'm from CT and won 5k for wisconsin from the CT/Western Mass alumni assosiation</p>

<p>I might be. Still undecided. I don't like my name and prefer to be referred to by celebrian or cele. I want to do pre-pharm, and then apply to their pharmacy program, but I like that I'd still have lots of options if I decided to go into something else</p>

<p>Good point Gangsta. Our chapter gave out four scholarships to students this year out of ten applicants. Good odds.</p>