<p>Ethnicity: white/male
State: OOS
Public School
ACT: 29 (32 math, 29 science)
Intended major: Physics
GPA: 3.71/4.5</p>
<p>EC's - Lots of community service hours, 2 years of varsity baseball, and other great EC's</p>
<p>Essays - Great.</p>
<p>Reccomendations - Sent 2 in, they should be great.</p>
<p>AP's/honors taken - Honors English for 2 years (A in both classes), US history (3), Language and Composition (3), Psychology (4), Statistics (in progress), and Physics B (in progress)</p>
<p>Hooks - GPA was a 3.3/4.5 in freshman year, was a 4.2/4.5 in junior year, and is now a 4.43/4.5 in senior year.</p>
<p>So what are my chances please?</p>