<p>Hello?! I am majoring in Sociology.
I've notice there are not that many soc majors in CC.
what are you guys going to do after getting BA in soc?</p>
<p>I'm a Sociology major! More than likely I'll work for two or three years, that or do AmeriCorps or Peace Corps if I can then attend grad school afterwards. Not specific I know, but that's my plan (I'll keep you updated).</p>
<p>what school you currently attending? Are you trying to get Ph.D in soc? What school are you planning for grad school?</p>
<p>what school you currently attending? Are you trying to get Ph.D in soc? What school are you planning for grad school?</p>
<p>I graduated with a BS in Sociology - but I'm in medical school now.</p>
<p>bigredmed- BS in Soc? I thought they only have BA for soc! by the way what undergraduate did you attend? Med school wow! pretty impressive... i am planning on dental school!</p>
<p>I attend NIU (Northern Illinois University) and I'm currently a sophomore pursuing a BA in Sociology and a minor in Philosophy. As for now, I'm looking at the University of Wisconsin for grad school.</p>
<p>cool! Good luck!</p>
<p>Yeah, I'm one of the few people my sociology department ever turned out with a BS. But I also had a minor in Biology. The way my university did BA/BS was based on the total number of math/science credit hours you'd taken and I had just enough science/math hours to get the BS - I think I needed like 56 hours of math and science courses and ended up with 57 hours total. Not sure what the exact numbers were, but I remember that it was close, I had already applied for the BS, and I had a 5 credit Anatomy class that I was taking pass/fail. I got accepted to med school in the last week of January and all motivation went right out the door. That anatomy class ended up being the hardest passing grade I ever earned. And it was a little nervewracking wondering if I was going to be able to graduate or not.</p>