Any Sophomore Transfers here?

<p>So I'm a Freshman at UW-Madison and I just applied for Sophomore Transfer to UIUC (for Political Science). Was rejected as an H/S senior (after being deferred and subsequently waitlisted). Got a 3.5 GPA first semester (which is well above their "recommended" GPA listed on the website) so I'm hoping I can get in this time around but I have really no clue how the system works with regards to Sophomore transfers (what percentage of sophomore applicants are accepted, whether attending a school of comparable academic ranking is a positive, etc.).</p>

<p>Anyone got any info to enlighten me (and fellow sophomore transfer applicants) on what to expect?</p>

<p>Hey, I’m at William & Mary and applying to sophomore transfer (econ). 3.93 my first semester here and 3.4 unweighted, 3.9 weighted in HS. I have no idea how sophomore transfer works at UIUC =/</p>