Any UP Undergraduate Architecture Responses Yet?

<p>We are still waiting to hear if my S was acccepted for the School of Architecture at Penn State. Anyone heard back yet?</p>

<p>S1 was not accepted for achitecture but instead was offered landscape architecture at UP if he would like. There was a major request form to mail in to receive the “official” offer. He will most likely not pursue that opportunity since he is extremely interested in architecture and has been for years.</p>

<p>We did find out that there are over 1,000 applicants for 60 spots (maybe 140+ or so acceptances). Very selective and since it is based on numbers/stats with no portfolio and maybe some look at EC’s, essay, etc. this makes it especially difficult. Congrats to anyone who did get in. For those that didn’t don’t feel bad.</p>

<p>Sons hs GC told me over the years she has had many students check off architecture on the list of majors they had interest in when they really didn’t, and some go as far as applying. Her theory was that on the alphabetical “select a major” list architecture comes up near the top, typically right after accounting. Architecture sounds cool, so why not. I wonder how many of the 1,000+ applicants at PS arch were less than serious? I do know that many well qualified applicants to PS didn’t make the cut due to the numbers game. I hope they also applied to some of the many wonderful arch programs that have the ability to take a more holistic look at applicants.</p>