Anybody else graduating in May?

<p>Just curious if we had any other 2010s in here. I know there used to be a couple but at least one of them transferred out.</p>

<p>I graduate in June, but still a 2010! ABSOLUTELY CAN’T WAIT. Ahh.</p>

<p>Don’t leave guys! At least stick around on the boards :-)</p>

<p>I’ll stick around for a little bit. Hopefully a current student will have enough time on their hands to answer questions eventually though, haha.</p>

<p>It is weird to think that I’ve been on the boards for over 4 years though. It’s kind of funny to see different people asking the same questions and having the same concern every year, and at about the same time every year. This board (and the rest on this site) are very, very cyclical.</p>