anybody want to read my essay?

<p>Hey, I'm just looking for some input on my essay. Its barely been edited, but getting other people's opinions always seems to help. I'm attempting to make it flow a little better and locate any grammatical errors. Let me know if you are interested and I can PM it to you. Thanks in advance!
I only got 9 hours left help me!!</p>

<p>I'll read it. pm it to me</p>

<p>anybody else want to read it?
its been under some major editing and i like it a lot more now
just need a couple more opinions!!
Thanks in advance!
i'll read urs too if u want help me!!</p>

<p>PM me ur essay
Id be happy to check it
i help my friends all the time</p>

<p>Sure ill read it pm it...but you have to critique my transfer essay as well : )</p>

<p>Sure.. send the prompt as well.</p>

<p>pm me. i will critique. critiqtue mine as well please.</p>

<p>ill read it too</p>

<p>pm me, ill take a look</p>

<p>I'll read it if you still want help.</p>

<p>I'll be glad to help. PM me as well?</p>