<p>I know that I would give anything to be in the room when the admissions committee discussed my application... the curiosity kills me.</p>
<p>I got deferred, and I know why</p>
<p>me too!!! i’m not sure exactly what it was…
which is annoying, because i don’t know what to fix before the final admissions decision in april.</p>
<p>what were your guys stats like?</p>
<p>2210 on SAT and 33 on ACT
bad SAT IIs: 690 on Math II and 720 on English Lit.
in SGA, French Nat’l Honor Society, Thespian Society, and Nat’l Honor Society, etc.
5.1ish GPA and either 1 or 2 in class (nobody’s sure)
and I’m a legacy.
any suggestions?</p>
<p>While I would love to know, so that I could change whatever was under-par, it’s not really a burning thing. Whatever happens happens. As much as I love Yale, I’ll probably grow to love whatever college I go to. </p>
<p>My stats were probably average (for a Yale applicant) 2230 SAT 34 ACT 800 SAT II Bio M.</p>
<p>FancyPants, you have the stats and it seems like you have the extracurricular activities… I’m not sure about volunteering, plus your a legacy, which means it probably came down to the teacher recs and essays… some areas under regional admissions officers will allow you to send in another essay, while it just annoys others so you could look into that and try… make sure you show continued interest with at least a letter reiterating that Yale is your first choice, ect. </p>
<p>Ultimately when it comes to schools like Yale, everyone has approximately the same SAT, ect… mine were very similar to yours (2190 on SAT I and 620 bio, 750 math II, and 670 amer. hist and 32 ACT (with the fact in mind i went 35, 35, 35, 26(science))… most people have similar extracurricular activities… so it all comes down to the essay where you must make yourself look unique… if your application is the exact same or similar to someone else, you probably will not get in. Yale wants diversity. I’m certain that my creative and original essay set me apart in the early action pool, plus I’ve done a lot of research on how these colleges admit people.</p>
<p>Anyway… your best bet is to continue to fill out some applications for other top schools and some backups as well… and wow them with an outstanding essay.</p>
<p>Good Luck!</p>
<p>Same to kRock91 as well… Stats are fine to get in, its the part of the application such as essays and teacher recs that set you apart.</p>
<p>thanks, mythbuster :)</p>
<p>What would a person say in that letter if they have nothing really significant to add to their file (no new awards, etc)?</p>
<p>They don’t write a letter.</p>
<p>Would that letter look annoying though? I don’t want an ad officer to think I’m trying too hard.</p>
<p>Unfortunately, after one is deferred, chance of being admitted are extremely small and only applicants that show interest usually get in. You have nothing to lose by writing a short letter reiterating your interest. Perhaps you could mention some more aspects of Yale that you really enjoy.</p>
<p>rb3, how do u why u were deferred?</p>
<p>B/c I know my strengths and weaknesses</p>
10 char</p>
<p>Is there a reason for being deferred? There’s always a reason for being accepted, and sometimes a reason for being rejected, but I figured “deferred” means just not quite great enough.</p>
<p>Well, sometimes they want to see how you’ve done during your senior year. Remember, they’re going to be spending tons of money on you andf they’ll have you for 4 years. They want to be absolutely sure you’re right for their school.</p>
<p>What if you’ve been a straight A student all your life (minus one B freshman year). I mean seriously, I don’t think I can possibly “wow” them in the next 3 months or so. I’m starting to think some of the deferrals were soft letdowns, I don’t know. To make you feel as if you were just that close, to make sure other people at your school still apply. Or maybe Yale+H+P all got together to conspire, and Yale wants to help H+P get more applications in to make more money. i’m only half-kidding :)</p>
<p>Grades aren’t everything, remember.</p>