Anyone a USC undeclared major

<p>Hi is anyone an undeclared major at USC? How do you choose your classes? What classes do u take?</p>

<p>I am! Thought thinking of changing</p>

<p>^ hopefully it’s not to english lol</p>

<p>haha nope. But remember we don’t speak english here… just Australian. and technically that wasn’t a mistake in english, just typing. Thought I was actually typing Though, which I just realised should have been Although… anyways not the point. I just want to be a doctor, no english needed for that…</p>

<p>oh me too! (the doctor thing). so why are you undeclared?</p>

<p>because I didn’t know what i wanted to do… leaning towards the new global health major though at the moment. Want to double major but they result in two degrees which means MORE credits needed so I dunno maybe I’ll just take a minor on instead.</p>

<p>They tell you at orientation to register for GEs and foreign language so when you do decide you can go straight to your major.</p>

<p>I want to take the intro to global health class cause it looks kinda interesting, give me a good idea if I want to get into that major too, would that be okay do you think?</p>

<p>yeah! i just came back from orientation and professors and ppl strongly recommend to take a class you guys would like bc they believe if u like the class, ull do better. btw is anyone taking spanish 3… or taking a class on pass/no pass basis?</p>