Anyone admitted from waitlist for Engineering?

My son was waitlisted for the College of Engineering, The website just says that they will let him know by April 15 as they do not know how many spots will be open. Anyone have any feedback on this? Chances of still being admitted? I called the admissions counselor and he told me that if my son put a second choice on his application he would probably be admitted right away. I assume it is difficult to transfer back to the College of Engineering.

@63659699 Lurking on this engineering thread but wanted to say that D only applied to CBS. Didn’t put a 2nd choice down. So I found your being told by an admissions counselor that if your S had put a 2nd choice down he would probably be admitted. Don’t see much point in listing a 2nd if you know you want engineering or biological sciences.

Forgot to add that like your S, D was waitlisted.

Yes, that’s what the admissions counselor told me. I don’t really want my son picking a second choice just to get into the school he wants. What if it is difficult to transfer engineering? Then he is stuck there. The University of Illinois basically told him not to count on this. He was admitted into Industrial Engineering-but wants Mechanical. Mechanical Engineering admissions counselor told me he will have to have near a 4.0 and be involved in outside activities to even be considered. I’m not sure if it’s the same at Minnesota but that’s too much pressure to have starting college! How long do we wait!? lol

D has decided not to wait. She is committing to a small liberal arts college. Best of luck to your son!

my son’s first and second choice were both CSE, he got waitlisted. We appealed stating he would accept CLA. He got accepted into CLA one day after they received appeal form.