<p>No class has ever influenced my decision to become a surgeon. But it is a lofty goal, and I, being human, have my share of shortcomings. These include being uncommonly lazy steadfastly stubborn at times. Given these shortcomings, I sometimes doubted whether I possessed the capabilities to attain my goal. I decided to prove to myself capable by signing up for AP Chemistry.</p>
<p>The difficulty of AP Chemistry was almost legendary at my school. I have heard stories (later confirmed) of students who were accepted at highly selective universities (like UC Berkeley) failing the AP test. But it was because of its notorious difficulty that I signed up for the class. For my purposes, the more nose grinding work involved, the better, right?</p>
<p>After eight months of not really nose grinding work (involving long hours of studying the aerodynamics of paper planes), I got a 5 on the AP exam, one of only two 5s in the class. I had proven that I have the intellect. From now on, there will be no turning back.</p>
<p>All comments are appreciated. I will not be giving out chocolate.</p>
<p>This essay is released under GNU General public license.</p>
<p>It would be nice if some love of the subject came through in your essay. Was there any part of AP Chemistry that you genuinely enjoyed from an intellectual point of view?</p>