<p>We had calculated D's SUS GPA but also used the high school credits earned in 8th grade which are in her high school GPA. We called UF and asked her UF GPA and it was lower, but didn't question it. Out of curiosity I deleted the 8th grade credits and came back to what UF told me. It's a bummer because it was a difference between 4.0 and 3.9. Doesn't seem like a big deal except that seems to be a magical cutoff which 4.0 increases one's chances greatly.</p>
<p>Just wondering if anyone else had discrepancies.</p>
<p>Vertigo: Right, but I know they do something with honors and AP, and the thing is, I have AICE/ GCE AS and A level examination, and I’m not sure if they count that the same way they do for APs.</p>
<p>The credits for academic subjects, such as math or a foreign language which were earned in 8th grade, DO count as long as they are included on your H.S. transcript. This was a question that I had called UF admissions about over the summer.</p>
<p>Does Bright Futures count their GPA differently than Florida or possibly have grade forgiveness? I just recalculated Florida style and had only a 3.80 compared to Bright Futures which gave me a 3.94.</p>
<p>I am not familiar with the public school’s grading method since my two college kids had attended private schools. My third child is currently in public high school in Broward County. Virtual Counselor has 3 GPA’s listed, his Cumulative GPA, his Academic Core GPA, and his Weighted Academic GPA. I thought that the Academic Core IS the bright futures GPA. Is that right? How would that differ from UF’s recalculated weighting (.5 honors, 1.0 for IB/AP)?</p>
<p>Just glancing at the FACTS.org BF GPA. They are not using D’s Pre-Calc and AP Stat classes in her GPA, although they use the 8th grade Math and Spanish.</p>
<p>Would it be appropriate to question UF about the calc? I was told they’d use all the Math, Science, FL, etc credits, just dropping out non-academic electives.</p>
<p>The AICE classes are treated the same as APs and IGSE are the same as honors. You can take your Cambridge AICE scores in person and the will take the scores. My S received 26 credit hours from AICE, he maxed out the 30 with AP scores. He took American History and International History but the gave him credit for WOH 0301 twice that is one oddity.</p>
<p>I don’t believe so because they are making decisions now, before they get them.</p>
<p>Besides the possible 8th grade differences, do they use just the required credits, like for Math, only 3? If I don’t use any 8th grade credits, and do not use AP Statistics, which is an extra Math credit, I come back to what they’re calculating.</p>
<p>tzais01, do not rely on facts.org gpa for BF until you get the letter from them saying that you have qualified. Last year I agonized with my son’s and called my counselor and them a million times because they were not counting the better grades. In the end, they reconfigured everything and counted things that they originally did not and he qualified for the higher level. They will eventually use the Best grades in the calculation. Good Luck!</p>
<p>Helpfulmom, thanks for the input. I’m not worried at all about the BF GPA. It’s the UF calc I’m worried about for admissions purposes. She is not borderline at all for BF and only 75% because of test scores, so BF is fine. Missing all A’s in the 8th grade HS credits and AP Stat is dragging it down for UF purposes if that’s what’s missing.</p>
<p>tzais01: How was your daughter able to obtain high school credit for academic classes if she didn’t receive an A in the class? In Broward County, my son had to get an A in both math and Spanish I & II in order to get h.s. credit. He was able to begin freshman year in h.s. with Algebra II Honors and Spanish III.</p>
<p>In our districts case, they just counted the grade you got and gave you the credits (assuming you didn’t fail). It either worked to your advantage or you got off to a really bad start in HS before you even started.</p>
<p>In Seminole County, as long as it was the Algebra or Foreign language for high school credit, it didn’t matter what grade you got, it was high school credit and went on your transcript. Then you were in Algebra II and Spanish II in Freshman year. They even counted the Algebra at the Honors level and A’s in both really got her HS GPA off to a great start.</p>
<p>UF confirmed that as long as these are on your HS transcript they should be used as well as any additional math or science credits beyond the required number.</p>
<p>For my son, in Broward County, there was a big retroactive change last summer in how they counted the high school classes taken in middle school. The end result is that his 7th Grade Honors algebra and spanish 1 are only listed on his transcript as P (passed) but his 8th grade Honors Geometry and Spanish 2 are listed on the transcript with his grades. Since he had A’s, he entered high school with a cumulative GPA of 4.0 (unweighted) and a core academic GPA of a 4.25. They do not put the middle school classes in the weighted GPA for class rank because so many parents complained.</p>
<p>Yeah, we’re in seminole county, too. So my d’s gpa coming out of 8th grade was a 4.25 weighted (A in Algebra I gifted (honors), and A in Spanish I). We haven’t tried to figure out the UF GPA as she has so many in different categories, not sure how to count them, i.e. AP Bio, Chem honors, AP Chem, physics H, AP physics, Anatomny and Physiology H. Is she allowed to count all of those for science? Or do they put a limit. And is AP Art History counted, or is that considered a non-core elective. Sooooo confusing. :)</p>