Anyone else confused about the email regarding MAPE?

Email says I must complete Pre-Calculus Algebra, Math 118, prior to enrollment in more advanced math courses required by your major. I am kind of confused about this and is the MAPE recommended?

Cal Poly admin. is selecting the Fall 16 classes for incoming freshman. It appears they are giving you a “heads up” that you are not a direct admit for a required 1st yr calc. class (not sure if this was determined from MAPE testing). I think you should call them to see what they are putting you in ??

After responding I looked up MAPE, I thought it was part of ELM testing…It’s not. MAPE is Cal Poly’s own testing to determine where you’re at in regards to trig/calc (if you haven’t met documented pre-reqs and you’re in math requiring majors, expect to MAPE test). OP–it looks like you need to take math 118 this fall before you can move on.

@1andonly I went on the website and looked at the requirements for math 118 and I have met one of the them, which is obtaining 23 or above on the ACT in math. I guess I will just take it anyways.

I believe ELM test requirement is due to low act/sat scores, but the MAPE testing requirement is due to missing HS math pre-req for your major. If this does not seem accurate…you should call them. Have you MAPE tested (ELM is seperate from MAPE ) ?