Anyone else feel like depression is hitting the graduating seniors?

<p>More like bipolar issues
switching from excited to apathetic to sad
and mostly those who are unsure of their college destination who either don't know if they can afford their 1st choice school or didnt get in.</p>

<p>…not but i am sad im leaving HS. i had a great experience esp since my class was small (110 kids) and was really chill</p>

<p>Yup, and the junior class as well, paying for college will be tough</p>

<p>But hopefully the economic cycle means that once we get out of college it will be a great time to find jobs</p>

<p>I’ve been somewhat bipolar in the last couple months. A lot of things have hit me at once, and the worries of finances, decisions, and making poor choices has been haunting me pretty hard.</p>

<p>I’m a Junior, but depression (bipolar issues) have hit me. I get excited and then fall back down, way way down. Some of the teachers (and students) discourage me because of the way that they just interact. Some act in the way of elitism; yet, there is nothing else behind their ideologies/etc that puts an emphasis on their own identity. A lot of people are acting this way in my school (perhaps district as well) and it’s quite the opposite of what I intend to foresee.</p>

<p>This is me, for sure. I go from a total high of, Wow! I won’t be in highschool anymore! I’m so excited for college! To…You have NO idea what you’re doing…You’ll make the worst choice…Whatever choice you make will be a bad one</p>

<p>Yep. I get accepted…then excited…I’m definitely going SOMEwhere next year…then confused because I feel none of my schools are perfect for me. Got lots more thinking to do in April as to where I’ll go because…dang, I don’t want to make a gigantic mistake and then want to transfer out immediately.</p>

<p>I was really energetic in the first quarter this year…then felt really down and stressed out. Now I’m okay, just hoping for nice acceptance letters, but I’m just sort of…waiting. For high school to end.</p>

<p>Not really regarding acceptances/rejections, but I’ve been noticing that a lot of people think that because this is the final stretch, that we won’t see these people after the awaited graduation date, a lot of people are changing and finally showing their true selves. And I don’t mean that in a good way…</p>

What are some examples of people changing and how is it bad? Elaborate on that, please.</p>

<p>Like, some people don’t care about being rude or completely disregarding everybody’s feelings because they’ll never see these people again. Granted, it’s only a few people, but still. I never thought this year was going to be filled with drama, haha. Not me, personally, but for my peers. And school feels so worthless now! Everyone’s just like let me graduate alreadyyy pleeaassseeeee haha D:</p>

<p>What kind of students were they before “changing” into a totally different person? Oh so many questions! I think a good way to “kill time” and still be involve in high school is to seriously get involved. My sister has been doing a lot in our school’s Tech Crew. It really kills her time that she could possibly use for other things. As well, she goes to the gym more often and so that’s good. Other things that are totally not in correlation with that are mediocre, imo.</p>

<p>Haha, I don’t really know how to describe it…you’d just have to be at my school to understand fully, I think. I suck at explaining things :X</p>

<p>I remember in the summer I thought “wow in 5 months, by December, all the stresses of HS will be over” but now the new stresses of college have arisen!</p>

<p>Although I did drop a class awile ago and only had 5 classes… but it was wayy too much free time for me so I got into a new class where I’m an officer of a very involved club at our school :slight_smile: so I probably attract work>>responsibility>>stress into my life.</p>

<p>I think I’ll start running again because it’s the only thing that keeps me sane in these times.</p>