Anyone Else Get a 35, but got 18 on their subscores???

<p>Mathematics 35 </p>

<p>Pre-Algebra/Elem. Algebra 18
Algebra/Coord. Geometry 18
Plane Geometry/Trig. 18 </p>

<p>So I looked at the National Score Sheet, and it's listed as 18 for the highest numeric value you can obtain on each section. So I'm confused.........WHY DIDN'T I get the 36 in math? </p>

<p>Sorry, I know it may seem like just one point, but that point means the difference between a 33 and a 34 for me! If it's an error, then possibly I could boost my score up one...</p>

<p>an 18 as a subscore may not mean that you got every question right (just like how a 36 in math doesn’t NECESSARY mean that you got every question right) They look at how everyone did and curve it that way.</p>

<p>yeah the curves on the topics and the sections dont necessarily match up</p>