<p>Has any other admitted ED student received their PennKey yet? I want to log on to the Course Review and start trying to figure out the courses I'm going to take. My international mentor said that a package should already have been sent out, and I haven't received one -.- </p>
<p>Are other people in this same situation in regards to receiving their PennKeys? I just assumed that they would come out after the RD students are admitted.</p>
<p>If it helps I'm international and ED to Wharton.</p>
<p>moltenlead: I didn’t get one and I was also accepted ED this year. I’m in the continental US (and I think you’ll know who I am based on the language I used in this post and the one in the Wharton Facebook group). I think we’ll start receiving them once the RD results come out, etc…(aka. when this all picks up).</p>
<p>Yeah, I basically panicked. Well, now I guess we can put name to face
I didn’t even know that I had an account until I posted this.</p>
<p>Oh, I’m on here all the time. It’s nice being able to meet people here and then on Facebook…and of course on campus at Penn :)</p>
<p>Hi guys i am considering applying to Penn ED next year…i heard they accepted all types of scores this year can u tell me what range SAT breakdown scores u guys got in with so i can have an idea??</p>
<p>35 ACT, 800 Math 2, 800 Chem, 790 Physics. I’m doing the IB so I was only halfway through my courses when I wrote the SAT2s (May/June) which explains the lower Physics score. Still did well though.</p>
<p>34 ACT, 2330 SAT Composite (730 CR, 800 M, 800 W), 760 Chemistry, 800 Math 2, 800 Chinese. I would look at the data set as a whole though, and not just each of our personal, individual scores. Also, and I’m sorry to have to say this, but race/ethnicity matters. It is commonly agreed that not all races/ethnicities need the same score for admission.</p>
<p>it’s been a few weeks now. anybody get their PennKey?</p>
<p>I think we still have to wait until late May/early June!</p>
<p>oh! all right, thanks! was starting to get just a bit anxious here haha</p>