<p>Man, my parents fight so much. Usually, it's over the stupidest things ever. Even I don't fight that much. I'm starting to think they just fight for the thrill of it. Even when I'm right in front of them, they talk about how they'll probably get a divorce once I leave for college. How's that supposed to make me feel? It's ridiculous. They just can't get along. Every once in a while, they are in sync and can go through a period of time without fighting, be it a couple of hours or a couple of days. And you know what REALLY annoys me? My Dad doesn't live with me and my mom. He hasn't for the last year or so. So he's hanging out with us for two weeks. Even though it's the first time my parents have seen each other in a long while, they STILL fight and end up ignoring each other the next morning and act like little babies. Is it that hard to just bury the hatchet for 14 days? Where is the love? </p>
<p>Who else goes through this type of thing? I'm lucky to have parents that aren't divorced (as of yet). And I really feel for you guys out there with split up families. Compared to a lot of you, I guess it's easy to say I have it pretty good.</p>
<p>My dad and my mom were like that when I was in elmentary school. They would swear and talk about how much they hated each other right in front of me at the dinner table. My dad always yelled real loud and my mom ran upstairs and bawled. It got real old, real fast.</p>
<p>When I was in seventh grade, My mom caught my dad in bed with another woman, and apparently my dad was trying to be argumentative the whole time so that’d they’d divorce and he could end up being with that other woman.
They divorced in 2005.</p>
<p>My new step dad and my mom have never fought once, as far as i know =]</p>
<p>…My parents are …exactly like that OP, except my parents live together & their harmony periods tend to last for 1-3 months…but when they get into it, boy is it hell.
They never physically fight & my mom doesn’t cry.</p>
<p>They are,however, equally stubborn most of the time & their behavior is just so childish to me :/</p>
<p>My parents fought all the time when I was little so I wasn’t surprised when they got divorced when I was in 1st grade. Now, they still fight quite a bit (my mom usually avoids my dad) but they do try to get along for special events like Christmas and Birthdays and what not.</p>
<p>Well, until my parent’s divorce a couple of years ago, the fights in my house were terrible. There was never any physical confrontations, but the yelling and swearing from upstairs was ridiculous and interrupted every facet of my life. They barely ever got along, but this was a weird situation where my mother actually had control and forced my dad to sleep on a couch in the basement for around 10 years, until the divorce. Unfortunatly, they still argue over the phone/e-mail just as much after the divorce, and it is completely screwing over my college process right now as my dad wants me to go to any school I want, but my mother only wants to look at public schools. So basically, their fighting if fing over my life at the moment.</p>
<p>my parents were like that… and thats why they got a divorce… don’t really remember my parent relationship except for one REALLY intense fight when I was like 9… scary times. I think I’ve blocked most of it out like I do with everything thats not good</p>
<p>just remember people, you may not be able to change your parents, but you can make sure that you don’t make the same mistakes as they did, and treat your kids well.</p>
<p>my parents are so damn immature. I can’t believe, I, of all people, am saying that. My Dad constantly talks to me about how I am “not smart enough” for top colleges. He always badgers me before tennis matches or practices about how he and my mom spend “so much money on something [I’m] not even good at.” Normally, I just ignore belittling comments like that, but whenever I finally say something, he acts like a little kid. Instead of talking about it like an adult, he just acts like some wounded animal, crawls away to another room, and just ignores me and avoids eye contact with me. Also, he knows next to nothing about colleges, yet he makes the most ridiculous statements as if they were truth. He acts as if any college that isn’t Harvard, Yale, or Stanford sucks. My sibling got into a very good school: Duke. Yet because my Dad doesn’t “hear about it at work that much” he always talks about how my sister wasn’t good enough.</p>
<p>Oh, and don’t even get me started about my mom. I admit, my mother is doing better in the maturity department, but she has a lot of very out of control problems that I don’t want to mention here. But trust me, these two people have made this family so damage.</p>
<p>They are very eccentric people. I don’t know how the two of them got together, and I don’t know how they stayed together for so long. I’m hoping they can grow up and just realize that everything they say or do can affect other people</p>
<p>I realize many of you have problems with your parents, but just keep striving and succeeding. Don’t listen to them. If it comes to this, get away from them. Move out, as harsh as it sounds. Do not listen to your parents. There are always people that care about you.</p>
<p>Yeah I’d have to say that you’re at the point in your life where you can basically forget them. Go to whatever college you want, take out student loans if you have to, but by no means let their childish behaviour screw up the rest of your life. I do believe children have to respect their parents, but I don’t think it should be completely blind either. So just do what you have to do.</p>
<p>argh my parents are trying to talk me out of going to college in the states… I avoided the topic for so long because everyone tries to talk me out of it… and my mom was the only supportive one… never expected my Dad to be supportive… but now she keeps bringing up the cost and the fact that my uncle said that if I get into med school here I should just go here… she really upsets me sometimes now, and she’s like completley oblivious. Like she made me cry the other day and she completley didn’t notice… and i’m going to stop ranting now.</p>
<p>My parents used to be like that. Now they just don’t really talk to each other. I almost hope they’ll get divorced when I leave because my mother has attempted divirce so many times but she never goes through with it. She moved out once even but she came back. I really just don’t care anymore. The only thing that sucks is that I really don’t know what a family is supposed to be like.</p>
<p>^^ Yeah, I know what you mean. I feel like that, too. I mean, where I’m from, families go out and watch football games together. They sit at the table together and eat together. They talk to each other about their problems. They help each other out. They go meet up with other families and have big dinners. All that jazz. My family… nope. None of that. The most we ever do is get some fast food to go, eat, and at that point, I would leave because my Mom and Dad would probably start arguing about something really stupid.</p>
<p>I don’t remember my parents ever fighting when they were together…then again I was four when they split. </p>
<p>As of now with my mom’s boyfirend/fiances/(by common law) husband there are no arguments, but she doesn’t like him/thinks he’s a moron, and is too afriad to be alone to leave although we are both miserable currently.</p>
<p>Millancad i agree but my parents actually divorced. He cheated on her as long as I could remember so the whole full undevided attention to family thing was not there. He still has the audacity to get angry with me when I get mad at him when he won’t pay for my stuff but he will for his girlfriend.</p>