Anyone Else Love Fall/Winter But Hate Summer?

<p>I hate the summer. I hate sweating through every pore on my skin on a hot day in the middle of the night when I have a test or final the very next day - its UNBEARABLE. </p>

<p>I absolutely love the cold and the winter. When it snows and temperatures are freezing, there is no better feeling than being in a warm blanket at night or drinking some hot beverages. Plus just the beauty of snow and the chance at canceled classes always makes me happy and excited.</p>

<p>I just love winter…</p>

<p>EDIT: Wrong section</p>

<p>yes i completely agree with the fact that Winter > Summer. Summer=sweaty people, extreme heat, blackouts, and other intolerable problemos.</p>

<p>opposite. i HATE winter with a passion.</p>

<p>I like summer/fall/winter. I don’t like spring - allergies. </p>

<p>I like the warmth of summer but WITHOUT the humidity. Humidity is gross and ruins everything lol.</p>

<p>If I had to choose fall would probably be my favorite season. The leaves turn different colors and the weather is perfect - not too hot and not too cold. </p>

<p>I like winter because of snow, obviously and Christmas! And when everything is covered in snow it’s just beautiful.</p>

<p>Thank you HairyLemon!</p>

<p>I don’t understand the love for winter. Sorry that I like to be outside without fear of freezing, and to enjoy the sun. Everyone is complaining about the heat…well, one: you can take off almost all your clothes. two: go to the pool/beach (it’s summer, right?) three: There is NO school. four: drink—summer drinks are the best (although, like i said earlier, hot chocolate deserves some love). five: There is NO school. six: SUMMER IS SO FREE AND AWESOME FOR NATURE AND WILDLIFE. Winter=Bundling up and hibernating.</p>

<p>I wish it was summer all year.</p>

<p>But I do hate humidity.</p>



<p>1) I’m not sure where you live where running around in your underwear is acceptable, but here, we must have clothes on.
2) I shouldn’t have to be at the pool all day to cool down. Plus, I can’t even swim! I like to do other things than sit by the pool until the sun goes down.
3 & 5) I work over the summer along with throughout the school year so I never truly get that ‘summer break’ feel
4) While lemonade is good, it only makes you thristier when you’re parched
6) The humidity, mosquitoes, and gnats kills the mood</p>

<p>Reasons why I love Autumn and Winter:</p>

<p>1) If it’s cold outside, you can put on a jacket. If it’s hot outside, even walking around in a bikini top and hotpants won’t cool you down from the heat.
2) The weather is much more bearable here in Georgia. No feelings of heat exhaustion like during Summer
3) No more pesky mosquitoes and gnats swarming around you
4) The holidays are much better. Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas? Yay!
5) The colorful leaves are beautiful
6) Hot chocolate!
7) I prefer indoors over outdoors. Nobody’s anxious to run outside as much when the weather’s cooler
9) I love sweaters and cardigans and I can’t wear them in during the summer</p>

<p>Spring is okay. It’s my birthday season but I have allergies and that’s when it gets really bad.</p>

<p>I’m in CA, by the virtue of beaches I prefer summer…although ironically, I prefer cold weather.</p>

<p>HAIRY LEMON and ears550 are right. Summer &spring are awesome! Winter &fall are absolute fail.</p>

<p>Ok, really I think it depends on where you live. I think people in the Northeast (such as myself) probably dislike fall&winter more b/c it becomes really,really cold like 0.0 % Snow every day. However, in summer &spring itswarm but not so badly warm that the temperatures are frying its more comfortable and nice. Maybe in the south, like georgia summer is frying humid and hot. Winter might be nice, cold but not too awful.</p>

<p>I love being outside if I’m in the mood.</p>

<p>Yes, the heat and humidity here in Georgia is umbearable in the summer sometimes. Last night, the low was 79. Even with A/C, leaving a ventilated building sucks.</p>

<p>Autumn and winter in the south is nowhere near as cold as it is in the Northeast and Midwest. We very rarely get snow and when we do, it’s only a sprinkle for like 10 minutes.</p>

<p>I definitely love the fall; it’s got that back-to-school feel to it and the weather is moderate. You can still wear short sleeves outside if you’d like or you can wear a comfy sweater. I just hate extreme weather; extremely hot or extremely cold. Either is unbearable. But I definitely hate sweating more and not being able to wear jeans.</p>

<p>I absolutely love the winter. There’s snow, no bugs, and that nice feeling of warming up once you go inside. I also love to ski, so that might have something to do with it. But actually, I’ve realized how much I hate summer. I’m not one for heat or anything like that. </p>

<p>Fall is okay. I don’t really have much feelings for it.</p>

<p>Cleveland seems to have two seasons: summer and winter.</p>

<p>The summers are really humid (yeah for the lake!) and the winters are way too snowy (yeah for the lake!).</p>

<p>Spring’s probably my favorite season though. After the snow stops falling in about… May… school’s winding down, the Cavs are in the playoffs (and winning EVERY YEAR…), and the weather’s actually sort of nice. Too bad we only have about a month of spring in Cleveland before summer begins, where we then have about one week of fall after that before winter starts in October.</p>

<p>During winter I can’t wait for the summer. During summer I can’t wait for the winter.
Ultimately, I suppose winter is better.</p>

<p>I do, weather-wise at least. I love summer vacation, but I wish it were cold.</p>

<p>I love the winter because it’s cold and rain in my area and it brings a negative mood. Summer-at least i get three months vacation.</p>

<p>I hate the winter and the cold. Ya, I admit that sometimes the summer will get sort of hot and humid, but I would take that over the cold anyday. Also, it’s a lot easier to drive in the summer.</p>