Anyone familiar with Statesider??

<p>My son was just accepted from the waitlist (YAY)and all public UW dorms are filled to the max. We are looking into a private residence hall called Statesider. Any information to help us with our decision is welcome!!</p>

<p>Has a generally good reputation. One review</p>

<p>[Statesider</a> Private Residence Hall - Madison, WI](<a href=“]Statesider”></p>

<p>It’s nice, many people choose it over the public dorms. Where are you guys from? It has a bit of a reputation as being for people from the coasts or just generally OOS, but people are still friendly, if less “midwestern.” You get more space and a private bathroom which is always nice. It does have a slight stigma attached with it as the home of freshman “coasties,” but it is still a very nice place to live and the people there will be friendly. It even has its own gym, which is really nice. It’s a bit old and feels as though many people have lived in it, also there’s a lot of partying going on there. You also can smoke in your room there and no one will say anything, so if your son doesn’t like pot smoke he might want to leave his door open. It’s a nice place, but with more of a permissive atmosphere, I think.</p>

<p>We visited it and, although the rooms are small, the facility is new, clean, attractive and has a nice homey feeling. It has work out equip, great tvs, and even a tanning booth.</p>