<p>Hi guys,</p>
<p>What did you guys think abou the photography prompt? I was really afraid about being off topic. What did you write about?</p>
<p>Hi guys,</p>
<p>What did you guys think abou the photography prompt? I was really afraid about being off topic. What did you write about?</p>
<p>Made up a ton of horse ****.</p>
<p>I thought it was slightly ridiculous -_-
I wrote about Henry Stanley & Oskar Schindler (Schindler paragraph was pretty bad…)</p>
<p>It was really specific; not SAT-style at all in my opinion. I luckily remembered some stuff about famous photographers and worked it into the essay, but in hindsight I’m wondering if “photographs” actually represents something else, lol.</p>
<p>my biggest fear about the SAT was opening up the book and looking at a prompt like this. why couldn’t we have gotten the reality tv prompt!? so hard to think of examples for this. used stephen hawking + japanese american internment in ww2. pretty bad. my 2nd body paragraph was maybe 3 lines and stops abruptly cause i ran out of time</p>
<p>Photographers imbue their views in the images they shoot.</p>
<p>Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima - Glorification, only part of the scene
Vietnam napalm attacks on civilians - Intent to weaken support for war
FDR never photographed in wheelchair during the 1930s - Distortion to alter public perception</p>
<p>I thought it was pretty easy. I used an example during the Great Depression how Dorothea Lange used photography to show how bad the crash of the stock market was. Obviously I was supporting the realism of photography rather than the artistic value. I also used Harry Potter because in the series, photographs have been developed to show clips of time which shows that it photography in essence should be used to depict events of real life rather than fiction.</p>
<p>I wrote about the modern magazine industry and the extensive editing. I also make up some BS about how I took a photography class, but threw in some camera terms which I actually knew. Overall it ended up better than I expected, but the essay was pretty evaluative and didn’t have concrete examples.</p>
<p>I talked about Robert Capa and his photography but accidently called him James Nachtwey in the essay. Would this be a problem?</p>
<p>I hated the essay! I used propaganda for world war I photography and Ansel Addams to support that photographs where from the point of view. (My essay sucked, I know). </p>
<p>I thought this was waaay to specific and you could only use recent example, i.e. since photography was invented and really used. Hopefully they won’t be to harsh…</p>
<p>I got the reality TV prompt :D</p>
<p>Reality TV prompt was literally the best SAT writing prompt I think I’ve ever seen. When I got the test I couldn’t even start my test because I was blown away by my luck. I mean that question was made for me and all the other slackers who watch to much jersey shore</p>
<p>^Haha…Lucky you. I know basically nothing about reality TV, so I just had to talk about the few shows that I did know about and their effects on long-term mentality. Ugh.</p>
<p>you know guys, it’s not necessary to write about historical facts…</p>
<p>I made up a story - I think I will get a 12 easily…</p>
<p>And also, SAT markers see thousands of examples-ridden essay. A flavor of personal story written in superb structures and elegant diction can easily be more favorable to markers’ senses.</p>
<p>Ex 1: WWI & WWII propaganda (Committee on Public Info & anti-German propaganda sent by the British)
Ex 2: camera settings (i.e. B/W, sepia, foreground/background)</p>
<p>Haha they seem lame when I write them out but I think I did fine.</p>
<p>I was so mad. I literally started shaking but I managed to shake it off and wrote like a maniac after the initial shock lol. </p>
<p>I used a bullsh** personal experience, fashion photography in magazines (definitely made an ANTM reference with Nigel barker lol) and ww2 photography of the SS vs pictures of Jews being slaughtered. Filled the entire thing, used the outline that Academic Hacker posted and used big words. Crossing my fingers…</p>
<p>Sent from my iPhone using CC</p>
<p>i talked about riis and lange after going like ■■■ when i saw the prompt</p>
<p>my claim was that photographs were realistic depictions of everyday natural life</p>
<p>i said riis candidly displayed the harsh, deplorable, filthy conditions of late 19th century and early 20th century tenement life without altering his photos or having his subjects pose. as a result, the federal government took action and made some reforms to tenement conditions.</p>
<p>i said lange took photos of farm families that were migrating to california due to being especially hard hit by the great depression. the photos appealed to a large audience because many people had been affected in some way by the depression.</p>
<p>im so glad im in apush this year. otherwise, i woulda failed the essay. hopefully its an 11 or 12</p>
<p>Can anyone tell me what the exact assignment was? Like: What about the photography?</p>
<p>check my post, #6</p>
<p>Could anyone help me find the score I got? I used complex examples that really don’t support my point in actuality but sorta do. I said that photos represent reality. My examples were:</p>
<p>Wittgensteinian philosophy which says that, because we can describe photos through language, they represent reality because language is how we convey reality</p>
<p>The quote from Civ 4 “Art for Art’s sake is an empty phrase” and then analysis as to why, since photography is an art form, it must seek to represent truths</p>
<p>and then some bs-ed brain studies which somehow state that our nature of perception makes looking at a photograph no different than looking at the world.</p>
<p>The thing is none of these things have anything to do with photography since I know nothing about photography. I did provide analysis as to how they relate to the thesis though, which was just that photographs represent reality. What score do you guys think I would get, if I filled out 1.75 pages and wrote well?</p>