<p>On the March photography prompt, I wrote about how a photograph is the author's artistic expression with three examples:</p>
<li>Hitler used photography for propaganda. This shows how the photographer rendered reality to express what they wanted to send to the audience viewing the photograph. I said that this example shows how photographers can distort reality and how a photograph is based on the artist's motive for taking the picture.</li>
<li>historical photos that remain from slavery. There are many photos that reflect completely different conditions and lifestyles of the enslaved. This shows that photographs are physical expressions of the artist's perspective and motive. It is about what they want to express through the photo.</li>
<li>A literary example about a man who takes pictures of his experiences and when he looks back, he realizes that all those pictures reflect his character and who he is. So, i said that this example shows that photography reflects the artist.</li>
<p>Is this off-topic? I filled up all the pages and wrote pretty well (vocab, syntax, sentence structure, etc). I'm just wondering what kind of score I would get! Thanks</p>