Anyone gotten a booster shot?

It can vary when it occurs

I also had a delayed skin reaction from my second Moderna - started about a week after my shot an inch or so below the injection site. It was a round red spot - not itchy or bumpy but warm to the touch and lumpy under the skin- then additional patches spread down the arm. As it kept developing, I finally went to my dermatologist just to make sure it wasnā€™t something else and he glanced at it and said, yes, COVID arm. It took a few more weeks to finally fade away.

At least Iā€™ll be prepared with my booster on Thursday but hoping the 50% does not trigger the reaction.

I got a Pfizer booster yesterday. I had Moderna for the first two. Sore arm and fatigue. Nothing like my reaction to the second Moderna, for which I am thankful. Got it as CVS and would have been in and out in three minutes except I couldnā€™t get my Vax card out of the vinyl envelope it was in. The pharmacist had to do it for me. But other than that easy peasy.

Oh yeah. Iā€™m Sure itā€™s that. I wasnā€™t worried. Just surprised since it felt better. At least I know itā€™s working

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Iā€™ve just about decided to switch to Pfizer from Moderna for my booster for several reasons. I got a flu shot recently, and am going to wait 2 weeks from that shot.

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Any thoughts on whether college students living in dorms are considered as living in ā€œhigh-risk settingsā€?

The ā€œhigh-risk settingsā€ link goes to which says that

Soā€¦I guess that is basically saying, if you feel like you are at risk based on where you live, go for it?

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I got a text from the state health department yesterday saying my vaccination record showed Iā€™d had my covid shots more than 6 months ago so was eligible for a booster. I was kind of surprised as Iā€™m not 65 and while I do have some health issues that qualify me for a booster, those wouldnā€™t be on my vaccination record.

I assumed everyone is now eligible (as long as 6 months post second vax)?

I had been to my doc last week and she said Iā€™d get a notice from MyChart (hospital system) but this isnā€™t on MyChart, it was a text from state.

It is vague enough that you can easily interpret it that way. It does say that ā€œAdults aged 18ā€“64 years who ā€¦ reside in certain settings (e.g., ā€¦ schools ā€¦) may be at increased risk of being exposed to COVID-19, which could be spreading where they ā€¦ resideā€, so that could be interpreted as inclusive of college dormitories.

I think you are in Colorado, right? We got the same text. And the link didnā€™t have the booster eligibility requirements on it which was even weirder. We are ready to get our boosters because we have an immune compromised child, but we arenā€™t technically eligible yet.

Is the 1/2 dose Moderna enough if you had the J&J?

Just got my Moderna booster today. Yay!


H and I got our Moderna boosters on Sunday and had no side effects at all except for sore arms- slightly sore Sunday , more sore on Monday but no big deal. Hope all goes well for you too!


Just curious if either of you had a notable reaction to either of the first 2 shots?

There still is not enough information to know what combination gives the best vaccine effectiveness (and also across various durations and variants).

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Just booked our Moderna booster for Friday, which was the first day with availability at our local CVS.
Our D2, who is an RN with county health dept and in the Moderna trial, says she had very little reaction from the booster last week. She got her original doses in summer of 2020 and had a strong reaction to dose 2. Meanwhile had a breakthrough infection this summer (symptomatic but not bad).


Nothing major with the first two Moderna shots. Sore arms. I felt a little bit of fatigue the day after the second dose, but nothing else. H didnā€™t even have any of that , so
nothing beyondd a slightly sore arm .


I got my Moderna booster about 45 minutes ago. I donā€™t have any plans tomorrow!

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I got my third Pfizer yesterday. Mildy sore arm (tender to touch). No other reaction. No reaction to first two, either, except for a slightly sore arm.

Hoping that no reaction doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not working!