Anyone gotten a booster shot?

I had no symptoms from any of my 3 Pfizer shots but my lung doc said to just count myself as lucky and it’s no sign that I’m not getting full immunity.


Immunocompromised Americans who had a 3rd COVID-19 shot can now get a 4th, CDC says (

So are people going to continue to check the pharmacy box saying they are immunocompromised when they aren’t?

Probably, until CDC trundles through the data and decides everyone needs semiannual shots.

Mix-and-match here! J & J (one shot), followed by Moderna booster 24 hours ago. Felt crummy (flu-like) for a day following J & J. Mild arm soreness today following Moderna. Very mild tired and achy symptoms today, but that could also be from teaching! :crazy_face:


Six months after their third.

I finally took some x strength Tylenol…and my arm doesn’t ache as much. Hoping tomorrow I will be 100% again.


Sorry to hear that your arm was so sore. My arm was definitely more sore the next day but I didn’t take anything for it because any pain was manageable. The soreness should hopefully improve for you by tomorrow…


I’m running a low grade temp tonight. Hoping to wake up feeling 100% tomorrow.


My ( female…I feel like this is relevant as to her coming up with this ) pharmacist told me that if my arm hurt I should take all the over the head tops out of my closet and try them on . That I could do arm exercises instead “ but let’s face it, trying on tops is more engaging. You’re more likely to keep going and it’s the perfect arm movement for this.” Well, she was right. After trying on tops for a good while I realized the pain was much much less. Coincidence? Maybe. But I got a good fashion show out of it. Lol.


@splash1 the 4th shot is for immunocompromised only, at least so far

I know, it’s just that the headline is a little confusing since it say they can NOW get get a fourth shot when really it’s not for six months after their third. My daughter is immune compromised, had her booster a few weeks ago, and the headline makes it sound like they can get it now.


yours is an example why I always recommend folks get a jab in their dominant arm. Used to for eating/drinking, used for a pc mouse, used brushing teeth. The dominant arm just gets more of a workout, naturally, which disseminate the soreness faster.


After we got our 3rd Pfizer shot, I led mom in exercises at home, in which making circles with our arms was a significant feature. Neither of us had any side effects.


After all my angst over where to get the booster, I had a message this evening that the UCSD site where I made a walk up appointment is closed tomorrow and I could go to the drive through in La Jolla (at least a 40 minute round trip). Luckily I had already decided to go to the CVS seven minutes away.


I had the Pfizer booster about three weeks ago - the day after I felt really poorly - fever, chills, body aches, exhaustion. Stayed in bed all day which I never do! It slowly improved but it was a three days before felt a lot better and two weeks the tiredness finally dissipated.

I had little to no reaction to first two shots.

Responding to an upthread discussion of colon cancer testing - I know there is a lot of info out there on various testing recommendations (which I - frankly - don’t fully understand!) - I do know that a colonoscopy is the gold standard - it’s not that bad an experience and has absolutely saved the lives of several people I know.

Also after reading thru this thread I’m going to get the shingles vaccine!


Got Moderna booster yesterday–then, just had a sore arm. This morning, arm is still sore,but I am dead-dog tired! If I laid down or even just sat in an upholstered chair I could fall asleep. Guess I’ll be taking it easy today.

Wife is getting her booster tomorrow (Friday). She received an email suggesting she drink at least 16 oz of water one hour before her booster. I did not get this alert, even though we are going to the same CVS. Would this have helped me? I wonder if I should try to drink lots of water today.

EDIT: My problem with getting injections in my dominant arm is that I sleep on my right (dominant) arm and cannot sleep on my left.


I learned long ago that my non-dominant arm is a wimp - always sore even when I tried to use it and exercise afterward. So now, yes, all vaxxes go into my dominant arm. I’m not convinced that it’s solely movement that day (could be, but I tried it with my non-dominant once). I wonder if it’s because that arm is more in shape overall and already has a better mechanism going for it, coupled with more motion.

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Same as @MADad. Booster caused me to feel fatigued, but I’ll consider it a privilege.

I made an appointment for my 80 something year old mother(she would hate for me to tell you exactly how old she is ha!) to get the Moderna booster and she had to walk two miles to get it. When I called her last night to see how it went, she walked to the wrong place! Thankfully they had it, made her wait five minutes and sent her happily on her way.


And poof. Today I feel just fine with just a teeny bit of ache in my armpit on the arm I got my shot. But no big deal.