Anyone gotten a booster shot?

Back from CVS - they are only scheduling three appointments an hour. I arrived 10 minutes early and got my vaccine five minutes before my appointment time. It was a casual set up - they put up a screen and two chairs. The junior pharmacist didn’t even have a table - had to set her basket on the floor and crouch down to give me the shot. But she was quite professional. Then I wandered the store for 15 minutes and bought some eye makeup.

I decided to switch arms and got the shot in my dominant right arm. Mainly this was because I had the COVID arm reaction that mimicked cellulitis after my second dose in the left arm. So after reading up, I’m hoping that my right arm skin cells won’t be primed for an autoimmune response. It will also be interesting to learn if I have less soreness than my usual vaccination aftermath.


I went to TJ Maxx after my booster today and tried on 4 shirts over my head. I do not feel a thing, really.


Got mine (Moderna) about 4 hours ago. So far feel fine but I had very little side effects from the second dose - maybe some minor fatigue and a sore arm. My husband got his a couple of days ago and had side effects similar to his second dose of Moderna - very sore arm, fever/chills overnight and fatigue for about 24 hours. He’s fine today.

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I was going to get my Moderna booster tomorrow, but have so much going on this weekend (H’s birthday) that I pushed it out a week. My 2nd shot I had some chills the next day so I am expecting the same . Meanwhile I was indoors at a restaurant tonight for trivia (too cold and rainy outside), and I hope I dont regret it, but here in GA in the metro Atlanta area the cases are very low now. fingers crossed.

I got a full dose Moderna booster yesterday (had the J&J in March) and my arm is sore, but feeling fine otherwise. My arm was not sore after the J&J. The pharmacy tech said the majority of people were asking for the Moderna booster.


Why would you care? Boosters remain widely available for all, and underutilized by most.


Today is day 3 post moderna booster. Feeling pretty much normal today, just still some arm soreness. Day 2 was my worst. Day of the shot was nothing.


And I would argue that by allowing people to self-certify that they were, e.g., former smokers and thus qualify for a booster, the authorities effectively are allowing boosters for anyone who wants them. They had to know this would be the effect of that decision.

I’m with @roycroftmom – there are no vaccine shortages, no shortage of appointments, and getting boosters does NOT impact getting vaccines to 3rd world countries. I say, boost away!

[Side note, there’s an interesting In The Bubble podcast with Moderna’s CEO where they talk about the biggest problem for poor countries is getting the vaccine through “the last mile” to the recipient’s arm, not a shortage of actual vaccine]


Had J&J in March. Got a full Moderna shot. I was felt bad for a few hours – hot, it felt like the right side of my face and my arm were swollen (they were not), then a bit feverish. Within about 4 hours, I felt fine except for a sore arm. The next day I felt a little bit fuzzy, but have been fine thereafter.


J&J recipients have to get the full moderna dose and not the booster? Or is it a choice?

The need for extra-cold freezers for some vaccines makes getting those vaccines to some places more difficult.

I was given a half dose of Moderna as a booster to my J&J. I would have preferred a full dose but was not given a choice. This was at a CVS. No reaction other than tenderness at the injection site.

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My comment concerned 4th shots for immunocompromised, and whether access will be more controlled. This thread can be like playing telephone!

As for 3rd shots, appointments are actually scarce where I am. Supply and access are different. Eligibility gets wider every day.

Wouldn’t it also depend on which vaccine you want? Seems from here that most are trying to get the Moderna vaccine for their extra dose.

I haven’t investigated brand, just appointments, period. Interesting that many are trying to get Moderna. Eveyone I know had Pfizer first and second and has gotten Pfizer for third. I guess there are advantages to waiting in terms of info on all this.

Seems like the main difference between Pfizer and Moderna is amount of mRNA (Pfizer < half Moderna < full Moderna). The non-mRNA ingredients are also slightly different (although both contain polyethylene glycol that some with allergies are concerned about).

J&J is a different type of vaccine which stimulates the immune system differently (fewer antibodies, more T-cells). J&J x1 does not appear to be as strong initially as Moderna x2 or Pfizer x2, but may be more durable over time. J&J x2 appears to be stronger than J&J x1, but there has only been trials so far.

There does not appear to be much mix-and-match research, although one paper regarding antibody response has unsurprising results. It is obviously too early to tell what mix-and-match combinations have the highest vaccine effectiveness.

What I see based on the limited information:

  • People may choose between an mRNA vaccine versus J&J depending on short term concern (winter holiday indoor gatherings) versus the long game.
  • People may choose the other kind of vaccine from the first one they got if they want to try to diversify their immune response.
  • People concerned about allergies and sensitivities but have already safely gotten one brand of vaccine may want to get the same brand to be safe.
  • People who want to get an mRNA vaccine may want to consider the different doses available.

Just received my Moderna booster; also had Moderna for my original doses, last was 9 months ago. My husband had his booster Wednesday, and like the first two, had not reactions. I am hoping for the same as I had no issue with my first two either.

I am sensitive to polyethylene glycol which is in the mRNA vaccines. However the J and J has polysorbate 80 which is cross-reactive and also can be a problem for people sensitive to polyethylene glycol.

Got boosters for me and the girl, hooray! I’m suddenly pretty tired, though, and remembering that headache I had with Pfizer #2. But I don’t care how I’ll feel tomorrow, because this is quite the banner week:

Free iPhone SE from AT&T
New job that’s the most lucrative and high-powered side hustle I’ve ever known, also looks like big fun, and shockingly easy to get (seriously, there are amazing jobs lying around ankle-deep on the ground)
Apples harvested, fridge and freezer and closets bursting with veg and canned stuff, and I think we can call it a season except for a bit of root veg and the brussels sprouts
Kid having successes of her own

A goooood week.


Got our Moderna booster today via local CVS appointments. We did not have to wait, but the pharmacy tech in the little vaccine cubicle told me they had scheduled 90 vaccines today.!!!
So far no effects. Got it in my “uphill” sleeping arm in case it gets sore. Interestingly the tech showed us the vial and syringe and verified that it was moderna at .25ml. I’ve never had any dr or pharmacist show me the vial and dosage. I guess they are afraid of all the antivax stupidity come no back to bite them.

After that went to our local grocery store. About 5% of patrons masked. The pandemic never happened here.

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