Anyone gotten a booster shot?

Some years ago, a pharmacist showed me the prefilled needle and label for a flu vaccine before injecting it into me, probably because I asked specifically for the quadrivalent one instead of the trivalent one that was the common default then.

Could be that they showed you to make sure that you were getting the one you want, since there are four possible COVID-19 vaccines that you could be getting. It also provides another check against giving the wrong vaccine if someone else is also there at the same time getting a different vaccine.

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You are probably right.
He was also communicating with some unseen tech in the back room sending out the right vials. At that rate of injections it could be that they could give someone a Covid first dose who was in for a flu shot. And a 1/2 booster shot to someone in for dose 1. I was happy to verify, it had never happened before

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Yesterday was day 3 post-moderna booster. I felt pretty good yesterday as well. At 5 AM I woke up, got out of bed, and fell down twice due to dizziness. Anyone else experience post-vaccine dizziness? Now I’m OK, just feeling tired. Had a bit of nausea along with the dizziness. Unsure if the dizziness caused the nausea or vice versa. Wondering if I had the misfortune of getting a stomach bug on top of my booster?

Feel bad because it scared the living daylights out of my poor wife.

Yup. Goes for the whole process so far

Today’s SF Chronicle (paywall) reports that California discards 58k vaccine doses per month, which is better than many other states. I really hope this concludes the criticism of who and when people get boosters.


I had a reaction like yours. Mine was very scary. I lost all control of the right side of my body, falling and catching the wall. I thought I was having a stroke. Dizzy, nausea and light headed for a day after that. Several members of my family experienced dizziness as I believe it’s a pretty common side effect. After my reaction I have no intention of getting a booster.

@MADad and @bhs1978 Were your reactions days later after no reactions prior, or did you feel poorly soon after your vaccine? I remember my mother feeling fine after her second dose, but swears she was sick two days later. She had no issues with her 3rd Pfizer.

Other than a very mild sore arm, I am good 24 hours later with my Moderna booster.

I had a Moderna booster. I got it and the regular flu shot in the same arm at the same time. Just had typical vaccine site soreness. Nothing more. After a day my arm was good to go and I had no further symptoms.

Mine was 2-3 days later. Yes, you can have a delayed reaction.

First and second doses of Moderna last spring went OK–some chills on day 2, but no big deal.

For the booster, day of shot: just a sore arm. Day 2: chills,fatigue. Day 3: felt fine except for sore arm. Early morning of Day 4, today, was the dizziness. Feel OK now, but was scary.

I will say this, despite what happened today, I will STILL get future vaccines—I refuse to let this disease ruin what should be the best years, for my wife and I.


I plan on getting the recommended vaxes, regardless of any side effects. I shudder to think what would happen if I or loved ones get bad case of Covid.


I had dizziness several days post 2nd Moderna. As well as being able to hear my pulse pounding in my ears off & on & blood pressure fluctuations. Took several days before I was back to normal. One reason I may go with Pfizer when I do get a booster.

There are definitely advantages to waiting, as we continually learn new things about the vaccines as well as Covid itself. However, there are clear disadvantages as well, primarily risking infection due to no/inadequate vaccines. And that balancing is always changing!

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There are also disadvantages to waiting, especially if one needs to be sure not to transmit anything dangerous or contagious to loved ones or possibly contract it due to waning immunity, especially when one doesn’t want to or isn’t able to shelter in place indefinitely.


Got my Moderna booster today. Signed up yesterday morning. It was easier to find Pfizer boosters than Moderna. Very speedy. I had chills in the middle of the night right after my second shot. We’ll see what happens this time. But I figure vaccine side effects are way better than Covid.


But I figure vaccine side effects are way better than Covid.

BINGO–we have a winner!! Exactly.


Yes, dizziness was my primary side effect from both my second Moderna vaccination as well as my recent Moderna booster. I didn’t trust myself to drive for a couple of days each time.

Did it say that wastage was due to expiration, or due to handling (e.g. defrost and open a container to give a dose, but then discard it at the end of the day because it will be considered to have gone bad by the next day)?

Two days and six hours post Moderna booster in the dominant arm. No fever, chills, dizziness, etc. and the arm feels less painful than really any past vaccine which was always done in the other arm. So dominance may indeed help.

However, I’m pretty sure I am starting the same Not!cellulitis COVID arm reaction that I had after the second shot. Started the same way - one or two reddish patches sore to the touch. So the autoimmune skin response returns. At least this time I won’t worry for a week and end up at the dermatologist - just treat with Clobetasol, see how much it spreads, and wait it out.


I got my booster (Pfizer) Monday after Moderna early in Jan/Feb. Aside from being old (73), I am a therapist who sees clients (some unvaccinated) in my windowless office in a community mental health clinic so I was eligible early, before the other old people, and decided to go for the booster. I had gotten my flu shot at Walgreen’s last week and it seemed very disorganized so I booked an appointment at a NYC-run site. They had two tour buses on the street. The first I got the shot and the second, waited the 15 mins. I stupidly didn’t bring my original card and the tech who gave me the shot carefully copied the info from my phone onto my brand-new card, which he gave me in a handy-dandy holder.

My arm hurt a litte (much less than after shots 1 and 2) and I was sleepy the next day, cured with a long nap. Day 3 I was absoutely fine.

Tomorrow I will go to Walgreen’s at 9 when the pharmacy opens and wait it out for my second Shingrix shot. I got the first five months ago. And then I am done, all vaxxed up!