Anyone gotten a booster shot?

I had Moderna 1 & 2 without much more than a sore arm. I had Covid early this year, and was warned #2 might tougher, but only experienced minor fatique. So I purposefully decided to get the Moderna booster, assuming a similar reaction.

Not so: This one delivered fever, chills, body aches, major headache, fatigue. It started about 8 hours after the shot & lasted about 30 hours after that. I was not expecting that at all.

DH has the same sequence and nothing but a sore arm.

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Iā€™ve been waiting here in Colorado because technically Iā€™m not eligible (even though I take care of someone who is immune compromised).

Today, the governmentā€™s website added this:

ā€œColoradoā€™s prevalence of COVID-19 makes the state a high-risk place to live and work. Anyone who is 18+ who would like a booster and is six months past their initial series of an mRNA vaccine or two months past a J&J vaccine should make a plan to get one or discuss with their doctor.ā€

Which basically means that if you live or work in Colorado and you want the booster, you can get it. I just signed up myself and my husband. I had to say we worked in a high risk setting to be able to schedule at Walgreens. Iā€™ve noticed that appointments are becoming scarcer, but I live in a very highly vaccinated area so no surprise there.


I had my Moderna Booster last week. After my first vaccine I had a back ache for a few hours. Headache for the second. The Booster took me off guard. I was extremely tired a few hours after and had an optical migraine. I was fine the next day but had this odd feeling that something was happening in my body.

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I had my Moderna booster Saturday.
I had nothing more than a sore arm for my first two injections but I came home from my booster and fell asleep for most of the rest of the day.
I was fine after that but I found myself having dizzy spells today
Iā€™m glad that Iā€™d read about a few. Other people experiencing dizziness because initially I was a bit scared.

I had such a lack of reaction to Pfizer 1 & 2 that I worried that they didnā€™t get the needle in all the way, or that my immune system was failing to respond somehow. Now 24 hours after Moderna booster, same dealā€¦a tiny bit of arm soreness that would maybe keep me from weightlifting had I planned any. Iā€™m not saying I wanted a headache or a fever, but it would help me quiet my hypochondria about some silent immune incompetency.

Just trad that BMI over 25 is a valid reason to get a booster? Glad I still have five ponds to go, ha.


Got the Moderna booster yesterday, had Pfizer for the first two doses. Sore arm last night and a little today but thatā€™s about itā€¦. Hope my immune system is paying attention!!

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My mimic cellulitis reaction was much less prevalent after the Moderna booster than after my second Moderna shot. Probably a combination of factors: shot in other arm, more time elapsed since previous shot, half dose in booster, and using both Clobetasol and one day of Zyrtec. Whatever worked; Iā€™m glad.


Just noting a lot of Moderna boosters here, even for those who originally had Pfizer.

I had a Moderna booster yesterday. Sore arm last night, and I was slightly off with exercising at home today ā€“ basically less stamina than usual, and I felt winded after my daily ~1-mile walk with the dog, so I decided to skip the gym tonight. But basically a pretty mild reaction overall.

Seems like the common opinion around here is that they want as much mRNA as they can get (Moderna > 0.5Moderna > Pfizer in terms of amount of mRNA per dose).

When I recently got a second J&J, it seemed like most others there were getting Moderna as an extra or booster dose.


Yes I know that that the half dose Moderna is 50mcg mRNA and the Pfizer is 30mcg. The inactive ingredients are different though both have polyethylene glycol. As a person with sensitivities, I am reluctant to switch though I would love to have even that much more mRNA.

In the mix and match study, a full dose of Moderna was used, rather than the 1/2 dose of Moderna that is used in booster shots. Interestingly, for the Moderna primary series people, a Pfizer booster produced more antibodies than even the full dose Moderna booster in the study. So, even though a half dose of Moderna delivers more vaccine than the full Pfizer dose, it doesnā€™t appear to confer more antibody protection.

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Iā€™m not sure thatā€™s wise. Using the analogy with college selection, Moderna may ā€œrankā€ slightly higher statistically than Pfizer in terms of efficacy, but it may not be the best for you, especially if you donā€™t know the underlying reason for the higher efficacy. Is there any question that two doses of Pfizer (with a total of 60Ī¼g of mRNA) are better than a single dose of Moderna (with its 100Ī¼g of mRNA)? Similarly, is there any question that three doses of Pfizer (with a total of 90Ī¼g of mRNA) are better than two doses of Moderna (with a total of 200Ī¼g of mRNA)? And so on.

When it comes to digesting or injecting chemicals into my body, Iā€™m in the less-is-more camp. More isnā€™t better for most people. I havenā€™t had my booster shot yet, but Iā€™d choose Pfizer again when I do. Iā€™d rather leave some room for a second booster shot in the future if and when that becomes necessary.

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Got my booster today about 3 hrs ago. So far nothing much going on in that arm. Itā€™s not even sore. I also got a flu shot in the other arm and I am feeling more soreness there. Iā€™m all Pfizer all the way. (Would have been open to another brand but thatā€™s what they had at the Target CVS I went to.)

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Getting mine tomorrow. I decided to go with a third Pfizer. I considered Moderna but Iā€™m concerned about the dizziness some are experiencing after. Iā€™m just over a bout of vertigo and I have to wish to risk getting dizzy again.
Lots of available slots at all the CVS stores in town. I didnā€™t check Rite Aid but assume they had available slots.

After much thought I went with Pfizer 9am today. Within 5 minutes I felt woozy, followed by chest pressure, then nausea, now headache one hour later. I distinguish this immediate reaction from the immune reaction that the mRNA vaccine creates, and blame it on my sensitivity to polyethylene glycol. Unless someone else can tell me they feel sick that fast.

I am not scared because this is my third time and it is familiar. I am actually hoping to get sick from the mRNA so I know it is working. As part of a study, I get my antibodies checked in two weeks. My antibody level two weeks ago was 1075, half of optimal but well over the minimum level of 250 for effectiveness.


Keep us posted on how your antibodies are after the booster. Hope you are feeling better now.

After my Pfizer booster I really just had a sore arm for a day and a half and a slight feeling of fullness in my neck like my lymph nodes there were activated. That was better the next morning. Sore arm is all better now too (got the vax 2 days ago). So far no headache, nausea, or dizziness. I did have some nausea with the first and second shots (esp the first) but so far no problem with this one.

Thanks everyone who posted on this thread. Gave me some courage to read about your experiences.

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I will post antibodies, 2 weeks, one month, 3 months, 6 months as I remember, but remembering that that is only one part of the immune response and that it is natural for antibodies to wane.

My immediate sensitivity reaction is better, which is separate from how I react to the mRNA!


Glad you are feeling better. My mRNA reactions have all set in about 12 hours after the shot.